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What a Real Despearte Housewife Knows About Losing Weight

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By : Dorthy Weatherbush    99 or more times read
Submitted 2009-10-31 19:19:06
How in the world do they do it? A suburban housewife can manage to look better than even you did in your early twenties all while caring for her three kids. Her hair is perfectly groomed, her clothes impeccably tailored, and probably most upsetting is her beautiful youthful figure. The sad thing for us is that she experiences all the same stresses that we do on a daily basis, and yet still manages to look her best. There is good news for you though; you are about to uncover the secret to how housewives like this stay in such great shape. Mrs. Lajoie, a real desperate housewife has shared with us her real life beauty secrets.

As we sat down for the interview I could not help but be amazed at how beautiful Mrs. Lajoie was. She did not wear the usual mommy attire, but rather a pair of designer jeans and a tailored white shirt. Her body showed no signs of having had three children. As a matter of fact, I am in awe of how toned and fit she looks for a mom of a toddler. My first question to her was how do you do it?

"I am constantly on the move," she replies. She continues to explain that she gets herself walking every day, and especially walking on an incline. "One of the best things that I do is hit the sidewalks in my neighborhood with the stroller. Not only do I get the added benefit of pushing some extra weight due to my kiddos, but my neighborhood is really hilly. Walking up and down those hills really kick starts my bodies fat burning capabilities." From all of that walking Mrs. Lajoie has noticed that her legs have become more toned and strong which is important when you are chasing around a two year old.

At this point Mrs. Lajoie receives a phone call from her husband. She talks for a few moments and hangs up the phone. She smiles. I cannot help but take notice of how happy she seems after years of marriage. "You seem like a newlywed," I said, "is your husband supportive of your personal time?" Mrs. Lajoie laughs a little before answering. "Well, of course. Let's be honest. Men are naturally visually stimulated creatures, so he loves that I look good. However, it is much more than just that. He loves the confidence that I exude because I take care of myself. My confidence makes me feel more beautiful, making me more beautiful to him. Don't misunderstand me, there are times when we both get busy and it becomes hard to juggle everything at once, especially the kids; but they are our life and we both want to be good role models for them, in terms of behavior and health. So we try to do lots of physical activities as a family. We like going to the park, playing sports, and going on bike rides." I must ask this question, "Has it always been like this?" Mrs. Lajoie takes a minute to think and then continues. She speaks quietly and carefully. "Well, no. For a long time I fell into a rut that probably most women face. I gained weight. I wasn't happy with myself, and my husband wasn't happy either. It got bad for a while. It got so bad that I thought he was going to leave me, and it was then that I knew that I had to do something to take control of my life and save my marriage."

"How do you stay focused with the chaos of running a household?" I ask. "Really, yoga has saved my life. It is a great way to tone your muscles, but it is so much more than that. I find that it really calms me down, and keeps me centered throughout my week." She admits that finding time is a challenge for any mother, but it has to be a priority. If you take some time out for yourself, it will really benefit your family in the long run. "I need some me time to recharge my batteries." she says. "If I get that then I find that my tolerance and enthusiasm is better, which is more the mom and wife that I want to be. Though sometimes it may feel like I'm being selfish I have to remember that by taking this time for myself I'm really doing something that will help me to be a better me."

Mrs. Lajoie glances at the clock and catches me noticing. "Oh excuse me," she smiles. "I'm always keeping track of the time to make sure that I am not missing anything. You have to keep a schedule when you are a busy person, and it must include workouts." Mrs. Lajoie has had her fair share of personal trauma, but she has been able to take control of her life, and now lives the life the many women only dream of. "What we women need to remember is that we are important and we have lots to give. We must take care of ourselves, not only for our sake, but so that we might be able to take care of our families.

Author Resource:

Dorthy Weatherbush has interview countless women, doctors, and health experts and know the importance of dieting with planned meals and exercising to maintain good health. Read more of Dorthy Weatherbush to learn more about diets that work .

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