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Building a Successful Business Website

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By : Chaz Jines    29 or more times read
Submitted 2010-07-27 16:04:40
A flashy header banner and cool graphics? A monthly pay-per-click bill? Pay a small business website setup service multi-thousands of dollar to manage your business website? The answer is easy – no, all you need is content, links, and time.
“Content is king” when it comes to cyberspace. But not just any content, but rather quality unique content. This not only includes text copy, but also video, audio, and photos. That is what cyberspace is made of – content. The three most important things to know about content are:
• Where to store your content
• How to structure your content
• Where to distribute your content
Content Management System,Web Hosting
Where To Store It
But where to start? The fist place to start is where to put and manage your content? You have many choices, from free hosting services that offer free websites, to spending thousands on a “custom web design.” The answer to this question is once again quite simple – use BlueHost Web Hosting and a WordPress platrofm. It’s that simple. I have other articles and videos on the subject, so I won’t labor going through all the reasons here.
How To Structure It: Meta Tags, Categories, Titles, Keywords, Ect…
Luckily for you, you had me set up your WordPress website! Now all of your keyword research, all of your tags, and all your categories have been set! You also now have the list of all this powerful information that I sent you saved to a folder that you can use for all your content that you will be publishing in the future. Simply grab some keywords and use them in your titles and sprinkle them in your text content.
Home and Other Pages
I set up category based websites rather than tag based, because I feel this is a much better system for organization and structure; not only for Google critters, but for site visitors. All the pages should have properly structured tags. This is the number one problem that I see with small business websites. Title tags that are far too long, or with words that have nothing to do with the product or service being offered. It’s truly amazing how simple this is to correct, and yet so many sites are a mess. No worries, all of your tags are set correctly on each page, and you are set to start blogging and marketing.
How and Where To Distribute It
The Power of Quality Original Content:
Now we get into the marketing aspect of all this web jazz. The first step is to sign up for, and fill out COMPLETE information at all the following web 2.0 networks. These are the major sites that I use in my marketing system.
• LinkedIn
• FaceBook
• Twitter
• Youtube
• Craigslist
• Oodle
• Ezine Articles
• Squidoo
• Free Traffic System
Once you have some quality unique content together, it can be utilized for making ads for the free advertising sites, as well as distributed on other sites and networks.
This is what I use the most, more than video or podcasting. Articles take time and effort to put together, but they can be used in so many ways it’s worth it.
When I spend the time to write a good 750 to 1500 word article, no matter how long it takes me, at the end I sit back and smile. Not just because it feels good to create something new and useful, but because I know I have a new piece of gold in my hand. When I first started out, I didn’t truly realize how powerful a good article is online.
Take care in writing your articles, because with the system that I use, these articles will be all over the web. Most people write articles just to feed out into cyberspace. That’s why when a good article comes around, it gets published – and you get backlinks!
These are the other top three media that I use for distributing content:
• Photos
• Videos
• Podcasting
And all of this is part of the next phase…
• On-Page Links
Any link that is on your page.
• Internal
These are on-page links that run through your own site, from one page to another page.
• External
These are links that go off your site to another site. These can be both blogrooll as well as anchor text links.
• Inbound or “BackLinks’
I’m just going to say a few words about backlinks in this article, not that the other links are not important, it’s just that backlinks are the hardest to get – and anchor text backlinks are the hardest of all.
What is a backlink? A backlink is simply any link that comes from some other source into your site. Every time you get a link it’s like getting a vote. However, not all links are equal. This can be a complicated subject, so to keep it simple -
• Post your articles to the directories I use in my system
• Leave comments on your network sites and other places on the web
• Produce content on a regular basis
There is one more small thing that you will need to have a killer business website that makes you money…
You also need time. Two kinds of time as a matter of fact. You need short time to work the step by step business website system. Then you need the long-time, or the commitment to stick to it and not give up after a few weeks or a month. Many people get frustrated and quit before seeing any rewards. I guarantee that if you start off with a solid foundation, keep organized, follow a schedule and a system, you will see results.
So, like I said, all you need is content, links, and time. That’s it – no magic.

Author Resource:

MrCyberSmartWeb- For more information, free videos and podcasts, be sure to check out my marketing resource website: CyberSmartWeb Marketing Solutions (TM) Your "How To" WordPress Business Web Development Resource Center

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