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A Simple Six Step Article Marketing System

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By : Chaz Jines    29 or more times read
Submitted 2010-08-08 22:48:49
How can you get the most mileage, and backlinks out of your text content for marketing? This is the process that I put all my articles through in order to get the most bang for my buck. Good original articles take time and effort – best to get all you can out of it for your marketing and backlinks.

This system provides a way to get two types of backlinks out of your articles: The standard author box links, and, more important, quality keyword focused anchor text backlinks.

One quick word on text copy spinning. While I do have a fantastic tool for spinning entire articles, I only spin my title, my subtitles, and my keywords in the text itself. I also occasionally spin the links in my author box – but that’s it.

I do not think that this is a big penalty with Google, nor do I think people actually read spun-out articles that sound like a computer wrote them. If Google does look down on putting out actual readable content, I have not noticed – nor do I care.

Writing for people, not Google spiders, will win the race in the long-haul.

1. Post the Article to Your Own Website
The first place I publish my new article, preferably consisting of between 550 and 750 words, is to my own blog. I allow 48 hours to go by in order to make sure the article gets indexed on my site first. I don’t want some 2.0 site getting original credit for my hard work.
Then I Tweet, FaceBook, and MySpace about the new article on my site. I could use many more bookmarking and 2.0 sites as well, these are just the ones that I use the most.

2. Submit the Post to Ezine
The first place that I begin the article distribution process, is to submit the article to Ezine Articles. Ezine is the leading online article directory, and if it passes their standards, I know I’m good to go on continuing to distribute my article to other places. It can take several days for an article to get approved, but it’s worth it to be patient.

3. Make a Squidoo Lens
Once the article has been approved and published on Ezine, I then use it in creating a Squidoo lens with an anchor text link back to my main site.

4. ClipMark the Writing on Satellite Sites
For some markets it’s a good idea to set up one or two free blogs, like WordPress and LiveJournal. I don’t post the entire article, but rather use ClipMarks for easy publication.
The ClipMark links point back to my money site automatically, and I then manually put in additional links back to Squiddo or Ezine in the intro box. This gives them some link juice as well.

5. Submit the Article to Free Traffic System
The cool thing about submitting articles to Free Traffic System is that they allow two quality anchor text links per article, per publication. This can be as many as 30 publications, making as many as 60 inbound anchor text links for each article that you submit! They have a fantastic free as well as paid program that you should check out for sure.

6. Run the Articles Through Magic Article Submitter
The last step I perform in my article marketing system is a huge blast. Magic Article Submitter is a fantastic tool that sends out the article to hundreds of article directories across the web. Many of these directories have site weights of two or greater. There are free submitting tools available, but I have found that they do not work anywhere near as well as the tools that you have to purchase.

This process can take up to a week to complete, but it only takes a few minutes each day. When I am finished, I have hundreds of backlinks giving me not only better page rank, but live traffic that is not from search engines. That’s an extra bonus!

Once this is complete, I start the entire process over again with a new text copy. Over time this system has started building quite a bit of traffic just through the backlinks from article directories and other blogs.
One other thing to keep in mind – don’t simply link to the home page. Mix your links up a bit by linking to your sub-pages, like archive pages, as well as to individual posts. Mix it up!

Just wanted to point out an email that I received from an article directory today. My point about NOT spinning article should be taken seriously. I had a feeling that if I did not spin my articles, and sent them out as readable copy, it would pay off. This is the second email I have received about my articles:
“Dear Chaz, Dear Chaz, I just wanted to personally compliment you on the quality and structure of the articles we have received from you. They are all excellent and I wish all our authors submitted articles like this.
All the articles you have submiited to us to date have now been approved. In fact several of them will be syndicated on our various Twitter accounts in August which will provide you even more exposure. We are the fastest growing Article Directory on the Internet and are committed to 100% quality. We look forward to receiving more articles from you soon.
If you drop us a quick note at whenever you submit we will be happy to put your approvals at the top of the ”to be approved” list as a thanks for submitting quality articles. Regards, Brad"

Author Resource:

Chuck Jines,Small Business Cyber Real Estate Developer
specializing in mom & pop small business online development and marketing.
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