If you're currently attending college or about to enroll, you already know that a college education is an expensive proposition and getting more expensive all the time. However, there are many different sources of financial aid available for students, including some you may not have thought of.
Not many students are aware of wacky scholarships. So thousands of $ are wasted each year in this scholarships simply because no one has applied for it. They are wacky grants given to students who have odd or unique personalities or hobbies.
They may sound strange to others and hence they are wacky scholarships. Quite a few of these less well known wacky scholarship end up going unclaimed every year since very few people are even aware of their existence.
While these scholarships may be somewhat strange, even downright bizarre, they're something which any student would do well to have a look at. Depending on your height, you may be eligible for scholarships, such as the $1,000 scholarship for students who meet their requirements (6' 2" for men, 5' 8" for women). If you're under five feet (actually 4' 10"), there are the scholarships awarded annually by the Billy Barty Foundation and the Little People of America.
If you happen to be overweight, the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance may have a scholarship for you as well. The NAAFA awards two scholarships annually to members of the association on a merit basis.
If these wacky scholarships are a source of amazement (or possibly amusement) to you, there's others you might want to learn about. For instance, if you're a Star Trek fan this one in particular may perhaps interest you.
There are many other wacky scholarships out there which may fit with your educational goals, even if you may find them to be eccentric, even amusing. One very unusual scholarship is the $500 Kor Memorial Scholarship - if you're a dedicated Star Trek fan, you may be especially interested in this particular scholarship program.
The best part is that you don't have to know any Klingon in order to be awarded this $500 scholarship. These are just a few of the many unusual scholarships which are available to those students who seek them out and meet their unique criteria.
There are many others - for instance, there are scholarships for vegans, working artists, caddies, redheads and just about everyone and anyone else.