If you enjoy smoking cigars, you're carrying on a pastime that has been around for a very long time. Few things can compare to the enjoyment derived from a luxurious, high quality cigar. Of course, if you do smoke, you'll realize quickly that you need a cutter and a quality lighter to help ensure your smoking enjoyment. You'll find that one of the most popular options is to choose a cigar lighter with a cutter for your needs. These combination units offer quite a bit of convenience, as well as quality operation and other benefits.
Opting for the purchase of a combination lighter and cutter will necessitate knowing what type of lighter and cutting device that particular combo unit comes with. You'll need to consider the cutter quite carefully, but you should pay equal attention to the lighter portion of the device. You'll find quite a few different combinations on the market that can help to ensure you are able to smoke when and where you prefer, as well as offering you a quality cutting device.
Choosing amongst the various options will also entail determining what type of cutter you prefer. You will find lighter/cutter combos that use guillotine cutters, punch cutters, scissors and other types of cutters, as well. With the guillotine lighters, you simply slip the tip of the cigar into the central hole and depress the blade. Punch cutters are self-explanatory and scissor cutters can even offer benefits if you feel comfortable using these to cut your cigar.
If you do not know your own preferences, or how each type of cutter works, you can wind up with a product with which you are unsatisfied. This is simply throwing money down the drain. You must determine what type of cutter you prefer using, as well as the style of lighter you like.
You will find numerous types of lighter configuration, as well. You will discover dual flame, triple flame and other models that can all offer benefits. Dual flame models even come with a torch lighter in tandem with a traditional flame for when conditions are not windy, or you're smoking something other than a cigar, such as a pipe or cigarettes.
Author Resource:
Dave Sabot is the owner of specialty lighters store. With expert knowledge of cigar accessories, including nibo group lighters , Dave also authors a highly rated blog featuring cigar reviews .