Have you ever thought much about editing and writing - part time jobs that are becoming more and more popular these days? Back in high school your assigments were always well written, and possibly you even edited essays for friends or fellow-students during your. Did you know you can make some nice income with those talents?
Maybe you are thinking you would not qualify for editing and writing part time jobs as you have been "out of practice" for several years. Let's look at editing first, and do a little test. Can you spot the errors in the following 3 sentences?
1. Your a big mess, and I think you should go home and get cleaned.
2. Theirs a hole in my bucket.
3. In Siberia there is cold alot of the time.
Most likely you can spot the errors. (Your - you are), (get cleaned - get cleaned up), (theirs -there's), (there is cold - it is cold), and (alot - a lot). Several of those mistakes are common ones with which non-native English writers have difficulty. And, as North America is home to many educated people whose mother tongue is not English, there are hundreds of writers who regularly pay to have someone read through their work and edit it for grammatical errors and translational issues alone! If you have an excellent grasp of the English language, editing could be an excellent source of part time income for you.
Perhaps you would prefer to be spinning the words yourself as opposed to editing someone else's writing. Part times jobs for writers abound on the internet! There are MANY ways to make money with writing, but people often think that they are limited to writing and selling articles, or penning the next American classic! Especially if you are looking for a part time employment, do your research and find out how you can optimize your time and energy with all sorts of small writing assignments, from food writing to sports writing, and from copy-writing to sales pitches or technical writing. The opportunities are endless!
So editing and writing - part time jobs that can make you some extra cash! Some lovely perks of this job? Besides the pay, you get to keep your brain stimulated, you can set your own hours, you can work on only those projects you love, and you can accept jobs in whatever pay range YOU set!
Author Resource:
Want to find out more about editing and writing part time jobs ? You COULD waste your time Googling and searching the vast online world for advice on finding lucrative writing jobs online, or you could click this link: http://www.squidoo.com/writing-jobs-online and find out all you need to know! Wishing you all the best with your new editing or writing part time jobs!