Many small business owners know very little about how the internet works, and yet they also realize the abundant opportunities that exist online for marketing their products and services. They know that they have to get in – but where to start?
The first place to start, is to realize that the basics of using WordPress as your content management system, are not so much complicated as they are simply new. That’s right, most of the anxiety people feel toward their WordPress websites is misplaced- it’s not too hard, it’s just too new. That can change quickly.
As a small business owner you want to spend your time running your business, not learning how to become an SEO and web designer – but at the same time you need to get your products and services out into cyber space. Just think of the money you could be saving on costly print advertisements or online pay per click campaigns that just don’t seem to pan out- if you only had a website that had quality free search-engine traffic.
And you will not have that if your website is just sitting around waiting for a miracle. You have to get it moving, it has to have activity, somebody has to be “home.”
Several Choices
Basically there are four choices one can make after launching their site.
* Leave it sit there and hope someone finds it
* Set up a monthly budget for a pay-per-click campaign
* Pay someone to manage the site for you
* Take time to learn some basic WordPress operation and some basic SEO skills
Business blogging can actually be fun, once you get over your fear. Fear is the number one factor in keeping people from running their own site. People hate to make mistakes, myself included; but, once you can get past worrying about mistakes, it’s haze gray and underway!
Making Quality Mistakes
The best way to learn anything is by screwing it up a few dozen times first. That’s right, jump in there and screw it all up, just like you know you will. Make sure you make lots of mistakes that are difficult to fix. When you are finished, you will be an expert! You will never get to be an expert until you start making quality mistakes – so why put it off?
Having full knowledge, that you will make critical errors when learning something new, is a huge relief. Now you can laugh at yourself before you even make your first blunder. It’s all downhill from there – the greatest stumbling block, fear, is now gone.
Just Do It!
Once the fear is gone, you can log in to your WordPress dashboard and start looking around. If you did the smart thing and had someone professionally set up your business WordPress website, you should be all set to attempt your first post. All your meta tags, keywords, SEO fine tuning and all that other cyber mumbo-jumbo has been taken care of for you. All you have to do is start posting content while keeping some simple SEO 123s in mind. If you can send an email, you can make a post in WordPress.
After a few attempts, you will start to get the hang of it. Before you know it, you’ll wonder why you were ever so anxious over making a post in WordPress. You might even enjoy yourself!
Watch the Rewards
As time goes by, you will begin to see the rewards of your efforts by receiving targeted traffic that converts into sales. Remember to have fun and have at it!