There are a number of symptoms associated with GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) which is also called acid reflux and heartburn. These symptoms range from mild to very severe and serious problems that need to be dealt with many times by consulting your health care professional.
The below list may not consist of all the differing symptoms but does highlight the majority of them.
Coughing and wheezing
Difficulty swallowing
Gassy stomach (belching)
Heartburn, which consists of a burning sensation under the breastplate that may be increased by lying down, bending or stooping over or even eating the wrong foods.
Heartburn may be more frequent and more severe later at night.
A scratchy hoarse voice
An ill feeling coupled with nausea and vomiting
Regurgitation of food
A sore throat
Acid reflux, GERD, may have all of these symptoms or perhaps only a few of them or even just one. You must understand that this can be a very serious disease and is not something to play around with or to ignore. If it continues to plague you then you need to see your doctor and do something about it.
There are a number of different medicines on the market for acid indigestion that tend to eliminate the discomfort and pain but do not take care of the problem. There are some natural remedies for acid reflux and heart burn that not only eliminate the symptoms but also helps to alleviate the problem.
Of course perhaps the most natural would be to be careful of what you eat. Fatty and spicy foods can promote acid reflux commonly called heartburn. Those with high acidic content such as tomatoes and tomato dishes should be avoided or at least cut back on.
There are a number of foods that are known gastric acid stimulants. Things like onions, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are easy things to stay away from but chocolate and peppermint can be a little tougher to avoid. You may not need to give these up completely but do learn to use moderation.
Some items that are better ingested during the day and not right before bedtime are coffee, alcohol, calcium supplements and vitamin C. Stay away from dairy products and milk right before bedtime as well since these will all stimulate your stomach acids.
A couple of other lifestyle changes you should do are pretty simple. Eat five to six smaller meals during the day and elevate your head while resting or sleeping. I had a friend who slept every night in his reclining chair so he did not experience the burning sensation. He finally got things under control and can now sleep in his bed with just a little elevation. Drinking water can help not only gastric problems but many other issues as well.
If you are over weight it would be very helpful for you to lose some of the extra pounds. The extra weight adds pressure onto your stomach causing it to push the acids up through the sphincter muscle resulting in acid reflux or GERD.
I hope I have help you in your effort to find some temporary relief for your GERD, also called acid reflux and heartburn. It can be a very discomforting disease.