Have you ever considered if your website is in the good books of search engines and it is in the exact framework as the search engines expect it to be?
When you get a new site designed, it is imperative for you to validate your site to see how good does it look and appear to the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. A good organic listing on the search engines will ensure that you get nice organic rankings and tonnes of search engine traffic.
Many folks will begin their site promotion by outsourcing it to the SEO companies. While outsourcing the search engine optimization and promotion is a good idea, a basic fundamental check of your site's quality will throw a lot of pointers for you to make your website look nice and clean for the search engines. Google, Yahoo and Bing are the search engines that need to see your site as a friendly site and the onus to do so lies on you, the business website owner.
1. Ensure that your page title has the keywords that you are targeting. Most times you will see that the title of your web pages is set to 'Welcome' or 'Site Name' where the site name corresponds to your domain name. This should be the first thing that a business website owner needs to have fixed. And the best time to do so is when your designer is doing finishing of your website and can integrate the keywords on title.
2. Do not spam the search engines by adding multiple keywords in the title. Bear in mind that you should stick to lesser number of keywords (not more than 3) on each page and the length of title must not go beyond 65 characters. This is because Search engines will ignore anything after 65-70 characters. So, adhere to the rule - 'Less is More', and you will get the maximum exposure from your page's title.
3. Ensure that you have a good description of the page that is added in the Meta Tag Description. I would normally insert a couple of keywords in the description and coin my sentence around those keywords. Remember to ensure that description needs to be under 160 characters for complete impact. Anything above 160 is ignored.
You must signup to the Google Webmaster Tools because they allow your site to be validated. More than anything else, this will increase credibility of your website and you can track your positions and backlinks from within the Google Webmaster tools.
Next is the sitemap creation. Your website needs to have an XML sitemap created. Once the sitemap has been done on your site, you must allow the Google Webmaster Tool to visit this sitemap because a sitemap allows your content to be presented in an organized way and will allow easy indexation of site.
In summary, you can see that about an hour of your effort will make sure that your website follows the rules and makes your site friendly to the search engines to enjoy maximum benefits. And if you find all this a bit annoying, you can use a professional SEO company to perform these steps for you while you enjoy your coffee breaks.
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