It pays you to remove the roof racks on your automobile. That would spare you the temptation of loading the car that way, and you will spend less on gas ultimately. Besides that, the racks themselves are a little extra weight that you do not need to be logging all over the place. No wonder you have so much trouble saving gas. You need to take them down.
Ski bars on your car are not flattering. If anything, they actually are embarrassing when you carry them around in summer like you are looking for some hill to dive from. You may not know it, but they only see to it that you burn gas faster than otherwise. If you will save gas, get rid of the ski bars.
Every part of your automobile engine is important. Any fault will force other parts to compensate, leading to burning more fuel. To save gas, you ought to keep a lid on that always.
Smaller cars tend to burn less gas because they don't work as much to get about as the big cars have to. If you can manage it, you could try using smaller cars and save yourself the extra cost of keeping the bigger one on the road. Use the large vehicles only when you absolutely have to. It only makes sense, and you know it.
If you are not actually using them, lose whatever extra pounds your car may be packing. You could have some stuff in the trunk that you really do not use, and you could be carrying things on the roof of the car that need not be there. All that extra load is burning gas in a way you don't want. You can do better without them.
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