Usually carbohydrates are within all foods except meat products. Lately there have been many diets going around that advocate eliminating all carbs out of your meals. Many agencies have bought into this and among other things, these companies which will remain nameless have launched low or no carb choices for foods such as breads, pastas and quite a few other items. Limiting bad carbs for example sugar out of your diet can be a helpful the difficulty arises when you take this to the extreme and eliminate fruits and other very healthy foods out of your meal plan.
Carbs fall into two different types they are; simple and complex. Sodas, candy and even fruits contain simple sugars while whole grains, fruits and cereals contain complex carbs. The primary variance relating the two groups are their compound structures. Simple sugars are made up of a couple of sugar molecules while complex carbohydrates are made from hundreds and in some cases 1000s of these molecules put together. In you body, the end product of both is glucose.
Digestion time is another big difference between the two. If you consume 100 calories of simple sugars, one's body can digest it much faster than if you eat the same amount of calories that are made from complex carbs. It's because simple sugars are closer to the end product than complex carbohydrates which need more time to digest. Eating these simple sugars causes overeating, since you digest far more rapidly and trigger the bodies hunger switch sooner than if you ate complex carbs. These simple carbs are found everywhere and eating sugary drinks and foods will certainly add up the calories by the end of the day.
Scientific studies have shown that simple sugars add to obesity and diabetes, especially in children. Many of similar research have shown that the complex good carbohydrates can shield you from many varieties of cancers. Next time you pick up the newest low carb diet claim in a book or journal, throw it in the garbage and instead follow the sound principles of the basics of good nutrition.
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