Deep tissue therapeutic massage incorporating Raynor Massage, is widely recognised as one of the most powerful forms of therapeutic massage available. This unique therapeutic massage is an astounding treatment which has one determined purpose, to remove deep rooted tension from your body. The level of work involved uses deep tissue massage to get well into your energy lines, removing tightly held blockages aiming to leave you feeling relaxed and re-energised. On a physical level it can heal many chronic injuries like migraines, Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI), sciatica, pinched nerves, backaches, arthritis, scoliosis and sore neck.
Raynor Massage benefits anyone regardless of age and fitness level and is very effective in removing the normal aches and pains that have such an impact on our daily lives. In particular, back pain responds well to this treatment. Raynor Massage not only relieves the pain of a sore back but will also seek out and remove the tension that is causing the problem. So this massage therapy is certainly not just for people that are used to intense sports massage, but can help anyone with normal everyday aches and pains.
This massage is of real benefit to athletes and gym users but works differently to sports massage. This particular deep tissue technique works on a much deeper level than regular sports massage and is successful in removing muscular tension associated with sports injuries. Sports massage tends to focus on the part of the body that is tense or damaged whereas Raynor Massage treats the whole person. So, in this way we recognise that one part of the body may be tight but that area is being held tight by another area which could then also be held tight by another area again and so on. Many people have found that my deep tissue massage can actually aid muscle recovery after a particularly strenuous workout.
It is not just muscle tension that causes us problems but stored emotional energy can have a negative impact on our lives. The therapeutic massage that I perform works to release this energy which, in turn will make you feel lighter and unburdened and ready for new challenges. Getting rid of these negative energies has been found to be helpful for people who suffer from stress and depression. The profound benefits to your mental, physical and emotional well-being will be long-lasting and often life changing.
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My name is Dave Taylor and I was born in Paisley, Scotland. I am proud to have achieved my Raynor Massage Certificate and then my Raynor Massage Diploma. If you have any queries regarding Deep tissue therapeutic massage please contact me.