There are people who generate extra or supplemental income through simply writing on their blog however it's mostly just that - a bit of extra income. It's rarely a path which will lead you to riches but nonetheless it's really simple to do and in this two part article I'll show you the steps involved.
In order to stand a realistic chance of making money we need out blog to be very specific in its topic so choose one subject and stick to it. This is because we need targeted traffic arriving to the site. If you have numerous interests then start a separate blog for each one.
A great subject for any blog is anything you know a lot about. This could be a hobby, past time, job, sport... something which you can write confidently about and won't mind writing daily updates for.
I've used both Word Press and Blogger and to my mind Google's blogger is the easiest option for a beginner to get up and running quickly. They literally take care of everything for you and within a couple of minutes your up and running. It also makes creating new blogs for other topics very fast as well.
Be sure to title your blog with something popular which people would use to find information about your topic if there were using a search engine. For example, if my blog was about surfing I could title it 'learn to surf' or 'best places to learn to surf' ECT... in most subjects you'll find a lot of your titles are already taken so you'll need to do a bit of searching to find one available.
O.K with your site up and titled we have to start writing content and lots of it. Your posts should be well written, good quality content and completely original (written by you!). Update your blog every day with new content and this is going to continue for at least 2 weeks before going onto the next step.
At this point we have a blog and a history of good quality content being added every day. Now it's time to let Google know your blog exists and generate some traffic. If you wait for Google to simply find you in one of its deep crawls you could be waiting forever, it's far better to write some articles on your blog topic and submit them with backlinks to your blog on ezinearticles or goarticles. That's by far the quickest way to get on Google's radar.
Check out the next article in this series for the remaining things you'll need to do in order to make your blog earn money.
Author Resource:
Payo Hernandez is a popular online author. Be sure to check out his thorough and informative reviews on britax car seat covers . You'll also get thorough bargains for many other products including britax booster seats