Making your own LED grow light system will save you a massive amount of money. Instead of paying hundreds of dollars, you might only pay 10% of that. In order to create one, you will have to set aside many hours to build it, and even then your efforts may not turn out to be fruitful.
There will be some parts that you will need in order to make the system a reality. The most expensive is likely going to be the power supply. Don't skimp out on the power supply cost, since cheap ones don't really last long. You will also need LED lights, wire, and some electronics items such as a transistor and a few resistors for the circuit.
The planning process will require that you have graph paper and some knowledge on how electronics work. You need to create a circuit that puts the LED lights in parallel with a resistor, or combination of resistors, in order to keep the current at a safe level. You will also need to use a transistor to create a button that will control the on and off state for the system, as well as the actual button itself. Solder is also a necessary component.
Once everything is drawn out, you will need a small circuit board to keep things in place. These circuit boards are very cheap and can be found at local electronics stores, such as a RadioShack. You will need to solder all of the points together correctly, and don't forget to test your circuit by leaving it on for several hours. If all seems well, we are on to the next step!
The next step is to consider which form of installation you plan on using. You could fix the board inside of the plastic tub purchased earlier, so that you have a directional light that doesn't interfere with other parts of your room. You can also skip this step and instead have the LED circuit illuminate the entire area, which is great if the room is closed off and only used for indoor gardening.
Improving your design is the next step if you think you didn't do such a great job the first time around. Odds are you will need more than one lighting system, so you will probably be created a few of these circuits. After your first circuit you should test it out for several days, note any additions to make, and then work on the next upgrade.
In Conclusion
There are stores that sell these sets and kits already, so look into buying an already made LED growth system. You will save time, and maybe even money if you aren't an expert at electronics technology. Shipping is also fast- so you can have it delivered in just days.