These days, fax machines are often seen as the outdated artifacts of a bygone era. People used to twittering and cell phones and laptops all too often think of fax machines as clunky, irritating, and generally non-useful technology. It's certainly true that the internet has changed a lot about the landscape of technological communication, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's made fax machines outdated. Quite the contrary! By this point, the internet has revolutionized fax machines into being better than they ever were before.
In the past, sending a fax could be seen as an involved process. Very few personal users have a fax machine in their home so in order to send a fax they would have to actually go to an establishment that offered a fax machine for their use and pay to send a document. Or even worse, they may have to hand their personal document over to a clerk who would fax it for them.
Even for those people who have a fax machine, there is a lot of work involved. Depending on the type of fax machine, there may be a lot of buttons to push or procedures to follow to get you fax to go out. If you have speed dial set up for those frequent numbers you fax to, you may accidentally send the wrong fax to the wrong person. That can cause quite a bit of trouble and confusion. On top of that, you have to worry about toner, paper, power outages, and maintenance. Problems with any of these things could cause you to miss that important fax.
Online faxing is scarcely more troublesome than regular e-mail, and generally more secure. You can do it with your regular old compter, in fact! You'll need to subscribe to an online fax service to acquire an e-mail address solely for that purpose. Once you have that, you can use the service's provided software or your own software to transform your messages into pdfs and other formats friendly for faxing. It's not significantly different from sending file attachments, which you're probably familiar with. It's just a lot sleeker, safer, and more business-like as a general rule.
The receiver of the fax does not know you are using email to send your documents to them. You just put the fax number you are sending to and your service provider will make sure the fax is delivered. You do not have to fight with any machines or go through any hassle, just send an email.
With a reputable ISP, getting return faxes is smooth sailing as well. Using an actual fax number, the return fax is converted back into a .pdf and is readily accessible as an email. This fixes the old problem of privacy on the receiving end; with delivery straight into your in-box, the curious passerby or competitor doesn't have a chance at reading your critical information.
Communication technology is a fast-paced area of innovation, and if you don't keep half an eye on things, you could easily find yourself left out of the loop. Don't let yourself be fooled into thinking there's no places for faxes in today's world. In fact, if you're interested in secure communication of medical or financial information, the time for faxing is right here and now, better than ever before.