This is a good question and one that can be answered very easy due to some recent research that has been carried out. You will find that many people are affected by acne teenagers and is generally starts to affect them when they are about 13 or 14 years old. Over time this generally disappears by itself and they never have to worry about it again. However, for some people this continues for them until their 20s and sometimes even later into life. We then unfortunately have a group of people who will only get acne when they are in their 20s and this can sometimes be more difficult to treat.
Primarily the main cause of acne in many people is because the sebaceous follicles are overproducing. We actually have sebaceous follicles allover our bodies but many people will have this issue on their face, neck and sometimes the chest. This can be quite a combined time for many people but it is really just a body using natural secretion which then helps our bodies to regulate temperature properly. It's also used to help keep her skin moisturized. If we did not have this happening to us it will be difficult for our bodies to retain heat.
You can of course go to local pharmacy and purchase some over the counter products which can help to reduce acne levels. Some of these products are natural remedies. There are many prescribed options also available from pharmacies but you would need to consult with a doctor before even considering this.
How can vegetables help
Over the years I have read a number of studies that have linked diet to acne. To be honest this is probably the case as not until you start to read studies that you begin to realize actually this may be because for many people. During a recent study I was reading that took part in the United States it did actually find that diet and acne are linked together. During the study and they proved that vegetables do and can help with treatment of acne.
Vegetables can lower blood sugar levels and they also help slowing down of these sugars are distributed throughout the body. Many of the people who actually participated in this particular study found that they had a reduction in red lesions which are characteristically associated when it comes to acne.
Many people who participated in this study for about 12 weeks did not eat much meat whatsoever. And they also were encouraged to make sure that they changed templates to include high-fiber foods and carbohydrates. The results were really good so good that many people know this massive changes with their acne breakouts and how they looked.
It's always advisable if you are going to change diet and try things out that you consult with your physician beforehand. You need to tell them exactly what your plans are on what you are going to do. If you're not familiar with what foods to eat that give carbohydrates and have high fiber you may also want to consult with a dietitian.