Before you begin be aware that wallpaper removal can be labor intensive and could cause critical damage to your walls if it is not done properly. Most removal damage is due to the lack of a wallpaper primer before the walls were papered, resulting in the glue being absorbed into the wallboard. The top layers of wallboard (paper) will try to come back off with your wallpaper backing. If this occurs in large areas, call a professional.
You'll find many different types of wallpaper on the market today. Some are dry stripable, solid vinyl and fabric backed papers can more often than not be removed by simply pulling them from your wall without soaking.
Most residential wallpapers are of the " vinyl coated "type. Vinyl coated papers are by far the most common used in residential homes. The vinyl face of these papers is usually "dry stripable" meaning that the face will separate and leave only the paper backing on the wall. Start by removing as much of the vinyl face as possible. Look for a loose corner, you may require a putty knife or scraper to get you started.
After all of the vinyl face is removed, the paper backing also needs to be removed. The paper backing will need a wet removal. Fill a five gallon bucket to about half full with warm water, add about a cap full of fabric softener. Shut down the electrical power for the room. Apply this solution to the wall with a paint roller or garden sprayer, a sponge may be used in corners. Wet a four or five foot section of the wall and ensure the wall section remains saturated with solution for about ten minutes. Remove the wet backing using a four or six inch putty knife or scraper.
Once all of the backing is removed, finish cleaning the walls with a hand sponge and fresh solution of fabric softener and warm water. Permit the walls to dry out and apply a wallpaper primer if you want to re- wallpaper the walls. If you plan to paint, apply an acrylic primer/sealer to the walls before painting.
Please Note:
One of the main things not to forget when using a solution to strip your wallpaper off is, Do not spray or saturate electrical outlets or switches with the solution, shut down the electrical supply to the room before wetting the walls. You donot want to cause any damage to your electrics. This can be an incredibly costly mistake to make. Damaged electrical wiring is pricey to put right. This can be messy work so remember to place rolled towels or bed sheets along at the base of the walls prior wetting them so that you can catch the solution excess.
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