The atheists of current are so closed minded that they fail to construct the evidence of God that is sitting to a t in fore of their face, Not only is atheism perilous for society it also goes hand in hand with evolutionary Darwinism that is a racist and treacherous philosophy. The new atheism will not only destroy us as a western civilization it will point the way us back into the dark ages and create mass amounts of people that are unschooled with no real trust in life.
The current atheists and their arguments are so ignorant and closed minded to many facts and historical proof. They are not only the least educated group of people in the world they are the most ignorant of history and philosophical thought. Not simply is it impossible to be an atheists and not be self refuting it's a faith based position based on no real corroboration for their position that no God exists. Many will rant and rave that atheism does not mean the belief there is not God and it means disbelief, however this is where the uneducated meet the educated. Atheism in the most plausible and reliable source and definitions of the English language say that atheism actually means the belief there is not God. If one wished to make up definitions of words to suit their self-contradictory ideas then one may decide that a cat actually means a dog and he is correct, this is not barely nutty but utterly stupid.
If one truly has an open maintain they will see that there is plenty of evidence for the essence of God not simply is their physical evidence but also philosophical evidence and also historical evidence that has still not been refuted by the typical atheist, most often when confronted with this type of evidence they will do one of two things either turn blind eye and try and replace the subject or rely on something totally unproven or historically off the wall.
Most atheists I have met are irrational, unsound and cannot account for the many assumptions of life they take for granted, they basically covertly borrow from he Christian worldview to even make an argument. Kind of like the human who says oxygen does not exist yet is breathing it to testify against its actuality.
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This is for all those uneducated atheists Proof of God Is a good website to see if God exists and to challenge the arguments presented by Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins.