If you are interested to have a domestic helper visa so you can work abroad, make sure to approach only a credible manpower agency. Make sure that all of your queries and concerns are properly addressed prior to applying. The agency is responsible in walking you through the entire process of obtaining a visa and other legal documents so you can start working abroad. You must also be willing to submit to the entire screening procedures. Unless you are completely sure that you want to work abroad as a domestic helper, you should not sign any documents with the agency.
Before you will be issued a visa to work abroad, the agency that is handling your application will guide you through the step-by-step procedure. You will undergo an interview with them so they can determine if you are qualified for the job. You will also be asked to submit to a medical examination. Some laboratory tests may be necessary to test your physical condition and wellness. This is an important aspect of the application process because before you can qualify as a domestic helper, you must be physically fit and emotionally ready as well.
All applicants are also required to submit police clearances or other documents to prove that they do not have any pending criminal records. Sometimes, recommendation or clearance from the previous employer may be required or checked by the agency.
It is important to obtain a domestic helper visa if you want to work abroad as a housemaid legally and to protect your rights as an employee as well. Other basic requirements include a valid passport and an employment contract duly signed and agreed upon by you and your employer.
The manpower agency is the one responsible in assisting the applicants in acquiring all the necessary documents needed to work abroad such as the work contract and domestic helper visa. The agency is also responsible in helping the applicant throughout the entire application process.
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