- Characteristics of Bowie Knives By:-Dylan Sabot
The Bowie knife is one of the most remarkable tools to ever be created. This knife serves equally well during camping, fishing, hunting or as a form of personal protection. While most people are familiar with the general shape and form of a Bowie knife, understanding what actually qualifies a knife to claim that particular name can be a little difficult.
- Cherish Your Hunting Memories By:-Ethan O. Tanner
A successful hunt is full of reminiscences, and one of the best ways to maintain these memories is to mount your antlers if you are skilled or lucky enough to harvest a nice Buck. Other methods of preserving your hunting recollections include a hunting photo album, a special hunting photo mounted on a plaque, a slide show of the preferred hunt pictures, and many other made to order products preserving the special moments of your hunt.
- An Overview Of Compound Bows By:-Jim Smith
The compound bow was used as a hunting weapon, protection, as well as a weapon of war in the old days. The world has modernized and now, people just look at bows with less threatening point of view. Archery has evolved from being a way to defend oneself and the people they serve to a more leisurely art or sport.
- Bow Hunting With A Left Handed Bow By:-Jim Smith
Bow hunting is a legalized sport across the United States and Europe; it plays by the same principle as that of regular game hunting without the need to use firepower or guns. This is the more humane approach to the sport of hunting; and one must be able to keep a few things in mind when engaging in this activity.
- What Is A Bowie Knife? By:-Dylan Sabot
Bowie knives are some of the most famed blades in the world. These knives have stood the test of time and still stand as some of the most advanced, functional and even beautiful knives ever created. What makes a Bowie knife, though? You will find that a knife must possess some particular characteristics to lay claim to this heritage. Obviously, the knife originated with Jim Bowie, and was even used in the Battle of the Alamo. However, the use of these knives spread far beyond the original wielder and you'll find them in many places today.
- How Do I Sharpen a Bowie Knife? By:-Dylan Sabot
Sharpening Bowie knives need not be a frustrating procedure. In fact, while these are certainly larger than many other types of knives, you'll find that you sharpen the blades in much the same way. How should you go about doing this? What should you do or not do in order to ensure that you are able to achieve a clean, sharp, straight edge on that knife? Here, you'll learn a bit more about the knife sharpening process, as well as what not to do when sharpening Bowie knives (or any other knife for that matter).
- Deer Hunting Tips To Make You An Expert Hunter By:-John Eagleheart
The average deer hunter who has average skills and an average commitment to the hunt, usually get average results for his efforts. It's likely that every hunter will manage to bag a small buck every year or two, and maybe will even get lucky and hit his target more often. But it takes a deep understanding of hunting and the dedication to do whatever is required to bag a majestic trophy buck. The advanced deer hunting tips I'm sharing with you here are for the true hunting masters.
- How to Buy a Hunting Scope By:-Alberto Kessnerr
Doing your research before you buy a hunting scope will help you to know about all the top rated scopes and what they are good for. You'll also know what they cost, so you can choose the best scope your budget allows. This will save a lot of heartache in the future. With all the name brands and less expensive varieties on the market, there are plenty to choose from. Remember that in most cases, you get what you pay for, so if you opt for the cheapest scope on the market, you may regret it later.
- Using High Power Binoculars For Astronomy By:-Amanda Jones
High power binoculars are just one of the many types of binoculars. A binocular is like using two small telescopes and each eye will have its own eye piece, prime focal point, objective lenses and exit pupil. With the correct orientation you can see many objects that are far away just like they were up close.
- What You Need To Know About Big Binoculars By:-Jake Jenkins
If you have been looking at high end optical equipment, you may have seen big binoculars listed. It may be difficult to see how the average pair of big binoculars can differ from regular binoculars, but there are a few notable differences.
- Finding Affordable Thermal Vision Goggles By:-Frank Stevens
Thermal vision goggles are like something out of a movie full of action or espionage. They are usually the subject of spies infiltrating enemy camps and the like, but they do have their real-life uses. In reality, these types of devices are used by soldiers or law-enforcement officers who use them for security and surveillance, but outdoor adventurers are also using them for hiking, camping and hunting.
- Why Need Folding Knives By:-George Namen
Knives have been an essential tool for mankind from the very beginning. Without it, people would go hungry. This toll has evolve since then, from simple single edged knives to a more functional two edged knife, and now we even have folding knives. This kind of knife has proved to be handy and very useful for fire fighters, medics, hunters, fisherman, adventurers, and many others. It may even be useful to ordinary person who find it hard to open an envelope or a candy bar or wrapper. There are also cases where these knives be deemed as heroes of emergencies.
- Selecting The Appropriate Knife For Your Outdoor Sport By:-Ethan O. Tanner
There are various kinds of knives obtainable, and as with many other instruments, if you don't have the appropriate one, it's probable to create problems. An expert quality knife will endure a lifetime with nominal maintenance. Here are a a couple of tips for selecting a suitable knife for your outdoor sport.
- How LED Flashlights Can Help You While Hunting By:-Ethan O. Tanner
While in the wild, a hunter must rely exclusively his wits, experience, and hunting equipment. It is merely by complete shrewdness and the suitable gear that a hunter can hope to accomplish a hunting objective with safety and success. Not all hunters may have the knowledge and skill needed to attain a hunting goal, but every last hunter has the ability to possess the correct hunting equipment to help them out.