Are you one of those that likes the idea of doing a Candida cleanse, but shies away because it just does not seem possible that a diet can get rid of your infection?
The Canduda cleanse is just a fancy name for taking on loads of fiber isn't it?
There are some products that are marketed as a complete Candida cleanse that are essentially just extra fiber in a bottle, but in reality this is just a very tiny part of the process and you won't get rid of your infection by just doing this.
A true Candida cleanse is really about using diet and supplements to get rid of the Candid overgrowth that you are experiencing. It does this in four ways. By;
Curing your infection
Supporting our immune system
Flushing our toxins
Helping the body to recover from the damage that has been caused.
Can I do all of these just by not eating certain foods?
Although the diet for Candida is an essential part of any Candida cleanse, it will be almost useless as anything other than a great weight loss program if we don't take supplements to support our cause.
Which foods can we eat on a Candida Cleanse?
To kill the fungus we need to stop eating all sugar and foods that convert to sugar, like starches and carbohydrates. Moldy food also tends to irritate the fungus. We also need to remove foods that we could be sensitive to, like gluten and dairy.
For the first few weeks it pays to only eat; green leafy vegetables, non starchy vegetables – like broccoli and cauliflower, asparagus, zucchini, cucumber, eggs, lean lamb, chicken, fish, nuts and seeds.
What are the supplements that we need?
Anti-fungals - there are many good natural anti-fungal supplements.
Support for the kidneys and liver - they will be moving a lot of waste through in a short time, so need extra help
Supplements to help the body heal from the damage caused by the fungus and toxins.
Health supplements for removing toxins – we all have some degree of heavy metal and parasitic poisoning. If we want to make a full recovery then we need to gently remove everything that will interfere with our immune system.
Self prescribing supplements can be dangerous, so it is best to follow the advice given in a recommended Candida cleanse program or from a health care provider. Never exceed the recommendations and instructions written on the bottle.
Can there be side effects?
There is a lot of information about a phenomenon called ‘Candida Die Off’ or the Herxheimer response.This phenomenon is caused by the Candida dying and releasing a flood of toxins into your body. As a result you symptoms will get worse before they get better, but may be minimized by taking on extra vitamin C and using your fiber shakes.
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