Are you struggling to attain credit because of a poor credit history? Are you looking for one of the credit cards for bad credit with little to no fees attached? Maybe you have been looking for a while only to find that your search has been fruitless and at the same time demoralizing, and perhaps embarrassing too. I know how you feel, actually.
You may have spent time looking on the internet for such cards and although there are very many around, they do tend to have high fees involved, which is understandable due to the high risk nature of the credit involved. Often too, these cards will require that you deposit a sum of your own funds to secure the card. Fine if you have funds available for such a thing and you can leave those funds for some time to come. Not many of us with poor credit have money available for this.
Not only are there high fees involved but you may be required to put down your own cash to attain the credit. This is not possible for many of us if we are struggling with a poor credit record, particularly to leave cash lying in an account over the medium to long term period.
Let's presume you are looking for a card with a lower annual fee. This is possible to get, but you will often find that to compensate there are higher interest rates than what is seen as a fairly standard rate in the credit card industry. So again, you can be heavily penalized.
What can be done? The only real way forward is to search and compare, search and compare. At least until you find a card that is reasonably suitable to your needs, be that a lower annual fee, lower interest rates, or a card that you do not have to deposit cash towards.
Do though make sure that before making any card application you read the small print very closely. You may think you have finally found the ideal card only to realize later that there are high fees for something that you overlooked when making the application.
But really, the main thing to keep in mind is you are in the process of rebuilding your credit rating or FICO scoring. As such there has to be some sacrifices.
You will probably have to pay more for this luxury right now but in the longer run you will be in a good position to forgo those credit cards for bad credit for something that is less expensive to use and more flexible to your needs.