Have you ever thought, or preferable asked your self...that why do I need a third party, an outsider...come and poke around and then tell me what to do...and then charge me for that. Well, I think the answer to it is yes....i mean that is why you are reading this right ?
I think, it is quite needless to say that...running a business needs some kind of direction, without a clear goal, a focussed vision with a clear cut road or track towards it...you will not be able to reach your target. Or in other terms, you would fail...or simply you would not earn our profit a.k.a ...the money goes to someone elses pocket and that could be your competitors.
But you know that already right? ...I mean...if you dont then how you are running your business. But there comes a time, every one of us, who are in some way related to a business, owned , has come to this point or juncture....when you feel something is not right here.
This thought may come from various observations like:- you are not getting that Return On Investment that you should, or it may be...that your profit margin is going downhill. You know...that you are getting orders, that means the demand is there..but somehow all those work and all those payments that you receive from satisfied customers or clients are not coalescing to the manna you or our concern needs.
Now you ask your self- Why Is That happening.....this is where a Strategic consulting firm would come in. A firm...who specializes in finding the troubled areas, the leaks that is affecting the ship.
It might seem at a fist glance that any logistic grad can solve your problem, but i would reckon you to think a little bit deeper on this. As you are a Pro yourself, I think it is evident and needless to say that a rock solid experienced base is indeed necessary to get to the root of this kind of problem, but even if you could get the experience from the market...think about the financial viability of doing this in house.
How much you try... it is nearly impossible to re-create a team of international, sophisticated, team of logistics and experts armed with knowledge in a finite and short span of time...who will gel together and start showing you stuff a.k.a results within a few weeks.
That is why, you should hire a Strategic Consulting Firm who would analyze your whole process, scrutinize every detail and will not only submit a well thought out dissertation but also a realistic strategy or plan...that will lead you to find out the organizational faults, or process optimization points thus leading the loss out of your whole system.
As a result you will have a well oiled system, impervious to loss, streamlined, efficient and delivering you the ROI that you always dreamed off. This is what a Strategic Consulting Firm would do. It should deliver you the result, the value for time and money that you deserve.
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