Many insurance companies now offer prospective car insurance quotes online. This is a useful tool when you are shopping around for car insurance, as you can quickly see who will give you the lowest quote. However, for some auto insurance companies the prospective quote they give you might not match up with the premium you end up paying. It should be similar to the quote you receive, but there are many factors that are often not considered when presenting a quote that will go into consideration when you actually sign up for the insurance and the auto insurance company takes a finer look at your details.
Some companies, such as Progressive Auto Insurance, offer you their quote as well as car insurance quotes from their competitors, which makes shopping around for insurance even quicker. However, you may want to keep in mind that auto insurance companies who offer this service are ultimately trying to get you to buy your insurance from them, so it would be wise to keep shopping around and not rely on the quotes they give you for their competitors.
You don't have to look only online for insurance, either. Although most major auto insurance companies now offer quotes online, there are still smaller regional insurance companies that may only offer car insurance quotes by phone. Check the yellow pages and try calling a few of them when shopping around for auto insurance. A smaller local insurer may be able to give you a more competitive rate than larger national insurers.
When shopping for coverage, you should be sure to get a variety of different car insurance quotes from each company, each with different coverage levels. Some auto insurance companies offer drastically cheaper car insurance when you are just getting the state mandated minimum coverage as opposed to comprehensive coverage, while other companies show less of a difference in price between minimum coverage and maximum coverage. You may find it cheaper than you think to get comprehensive and collision coverage from certain companies. In fact, for some companies the bare minimum level of coverage is more expensive than getting comprehensive coverage, as those who only get the state mandated minimum level of coverage tend to represent the higher-risk group for car insurers, and therefore end up paying higher premiums. It doesn't hurt to try getting car insurance quotes at varying levels of coverage at each provider and become more informed about all the options available to you.