We have all seen the commercials that allow you to train as a paralegal in less than two years, and many other colleges online offer this as a degree. The question that you need to ask yourself is after I obtain my paralegal online degree how much is it really worth? Let s face it as the times change so is the demand for qualified paralegals. Many of the law firms are looking for way to reduce cost, hiring a qualified paralegal is fast becoming a way to trim the fat out of their operating budget. Many of the tasks that they once outsourced are now being assigned to paralegals at a fraction of the cost they were paying outside firms to handle.
So you know that there is and will always be a need for qualified paralegals. The question you need to ask though is how much am I really worth? Well this answer will actually depend solely on you. The first thing that you will need to determine is exactly how much training are you looking to obtain in paralegal. This will have an impact on the amount of money that you earn with your degree. The second thing that you will need to consider is where do you plan to work after you get your degree? This too will have an impact on the kind of money that you can expect to make with an online paralegal degree.
Let s say that you have earned your Bachelors in paralegal, you either take a job in a large city or decide to take a job with the federal government. Here you can expect to make around sixty thousand a year. This is above average as to what the average American makes a year. The largest employer of paralegals are private firms. This being said the other industries that are beginning to hire paralegals are banking, real estate and major corporations. This creates a wide open job market that affords for plenty of opportunities for a person to obtain employment in one of several fields, this also allows a person to be a little more choosing when trying to find employment after obtaining their online paralegal degree.
In recent years many large corporations have set up their own legal departments, this has in turn created a large market for paralegals. Working as a paralegal gives you a sense of job security as you don t have to worry about your job being sent overseas. This is an issue that people in the IT industry have to worry about on a regular basis. This is one advantage to earning an online paralegal degree.
These are just a few of the advantages the people who earn their online paralegal degree can enjoy. If you are stuck in a dead end job that you hate and want a change in career then I suggest you obtain your paralegal degree online and get started with your new career. I hope that this article has been helpful in giving you a look at the kind of money and job market that is available to those that have an online degree in paralegal.