1. Have time to yourself|Have a break|Give yourself} time off
It is tempting to eat on the go when you have a baby, yet by nibbling all day long - and on the wrong foods - this can make losing weight difficult and might even trigger weight gain. Therefore remember to set time aside for yourself where you can pre-cooks dinners for the next day and make sure you are eating a balanced diet.
2. Go for a walk
Taking your child for a walk to your local park or into town, or meeting family for a coffee can all assist to exercise those limbs and get you working out. The weight of your baby and pram in particular is great for building up muscles and will make you train harder.
3. Make your own food
Resist the temptation of cooking ready meals and aim to cook your own meals from scratch. The majority of ready made foods are filled with saturated fats and salt which can quickly bump up the calories. As a result attempt to make your own meals from scratch as this will enable you to control your calorie intake more effectively. NOTE: if you are struggling to find time to cook, set some time aside for yourself to cook in advance. Utilising your fridge freezer, you can split up these pre-cooked dinners and eat over the week.
4. Go to the leisure centre
Now we are not telling you to spend ages on the rowing machines here. You can make going to the gym exciting for you and your baby by going swimming weekly. Swimming is an excellent way to train your entire body and have fun with your baby, without overworking your limbs.
5. Breastfeed
You might find the concept of breastfeeding time consuming, especially when your baby needs feeding every 2-3 hours; however breastfeeding has been proven to burn on average 500 calories a day (or between 200 and 600 calories).
6. Train with friends
Going for walks or joining an aerobics class with a friend is a great way to stay focused and guarantee that you workout daily. Tip: if you are feeling uncomfortable with your baby weight, why not get a fellow mother to attend with you and use each other as a motivator.
Losing body weight after having a baby doesn't have to be hard or tiresome. Incorporate any of the listed tips into your weight loss plan and you can soon get in shape.
However if you are seriously finding it difficult to shed those excess lbs, then a credible herbal tablet such as Proactol can help.
Ideal if you have chosen to not breastfeed (if you are, we advise waiting until after you have finished breastfeeding to take Proactol), Proactol has been discovered during 6 clinical trials to: make up to 28% of fat molecules indigestible; reduce your appetite, improve LDL cholesterol, enhance energy levels and improve aches and pains.