If you have recently passed your test and are about to happily buy your first ever car there is still one problem you face the insurance. Some insurance companies will simply not even consider giving a policy to drivers under the age of twenty one as it is usually these drivers that make the most claims, they are a high risk, and even if they do give a quote the cost can be prohibitive. Finding the cheapest insurance for young drivers is not always an easy task. There are a number of young people that forsake auto insurance completely as they think they just cannot afford it, but this is a huge mistake which can result in a court appearance.
There are a number of steps that you can take to lessen the cost of young person s car insurance
1. Take an advanced driving course: Most countries have additional driving courses that are far more advanced than the average test. They are quite complicated and take a lot of practice, but if successfully completed the insurance premiums can be reduced by a large percentage.
2. Purchase a care wisely: If you buy a top of the range model with a powerful engine then the insurance will be very expensive. When purchasing your first car go for a compact vehicle with a small engine. This can bring the insurance group in which the car is classified to a more affordable one.
3. Add a parent to the policy: If you can add one of your parents to your insurance policy some companies will consider this factor and offer a lower premium. Additional drivers that have a clean license and many years worth of road experience can bring down the costs.
4. Get added to your parent s policy: This option involves you not having your own policy but being added to one of your parents. They may have to incur an extra charge but it can be cheaper than having to pay in full for individual insurance.
5. Increase the potential payouts: You can talk to a possible insurance company about increasing the amount that you would pay out if you have an accident in exchange for a lower yearly charge.
6. Find a firm specializing in young persons insurance: There are a number of firms today that have been set up only to provide insurance to new and young drivers. These are generally cheaper than the mainstream providers. You can easily find such businesses by searching on the internet.
7. Take out a short term policy: Many companies can offer insurance that covers a short amount of time. It may be financially beneficial to have a policy of only six months which if you have had no claims by the time it expires can then increase the chances of you getting a cheaper one next time.
8. The type of policy: Basic liability coverage is generally cheaper than fully comprehensive. Take time to shop around and find a firm that offers young drivers a basic liability coverage.