Buy One Give One (BOGO) is the home of transaction-based giving.
STOP. Take a breath. And imagine you were part of a world where every single transaction made a key difference.
Imagine, for example, you purchased a television, and automatically a cataract-blind person received the gift of sight. Automatically. Or imagine if today you bought a cup of coffee and someone in Africa got access to clean, pure water as a direct result. Again automatically.
It's all happening right now. Already Buy1GIVE1 (B1G1) has become a true global giving 'village', bringing together businesses, their customers and worthy causes in a way that's never been done before.
It's happening globally, every second, every day and in every way with a staggering 556 projects already underway and making a difference.
That's because in the Buy1GIVE1 world, every single sales transaction, be it buying a beer in Jamaica or renting a car in Reno (and everything in between) gives back in a well-defined, resonant and measurable way.
Nowadays, when both corporations and charities have seen a decline in gains and contributions, cause-related marketing seems to really be catching on. Cause-related marketing is a business scheme involving a partnership between a company with a merchandise to sell and a charity with a cause to advance. As opposed to "corporate philanthropy," which simply involves a company making a tax-deductible charitable donation, cause-related marketing benefits both the company (by helping to increase sales, and thus, profits), and the charity (by giving donations and calling attention to the cause.)
You buy a book, a tree is planted. You dine out, a child gets fed. Buy One Give One - simple. The list goes on forever and the giving simply happens automatically, every second, every day and in every way.
And it is beautifully simple. Buy1GIVE1 is now becoming a global movement as more and more businesses jump on board and enjoy the incredible benefits of transactional giving.
In Buy1GIVE1, they make the stronger point that in all cases, the consumer is simply not involved in CSR initiatives on a daily basis. Buy1-Give1 generates answers to that and it does it every second, every day and in every way.
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Discover more about how Buy1GIVE1 (BOGO ) can transform your business using Cause Marketing .