Personal branding is commonly talked about in online marketing. You will need to set up your website as You, Inc. . This establishes you as the industry expert and does a far better job of promoting your business than using a replicated company website.
This applies to independent contractors, associates, and affiliates, and people who can market themselves in their industry. This can be applied to a company website if you are an in house marketer, but will need to come from a slightly different angle.
There are many ways you could design the site based on what you are promoting. It could be a lifestyle that people can have by working with you, or maybe their life will be better in a certain area. Those are the images you want to show them, by painting a picture of what they can have.
Although this site is about you, it is really about the customer relating to you and feeling that you have the answer to their problem. Your site should make them feel like they have found what they are looking for when searching for an answer to their problems.
The design should be done by a professional. You don t want to appear as if you just started doing business online. A professional designer with online marketing skills will be able to help you position you better than you might see yourself.
There are so many websites in your market, it is important that You, Inc. represents quality content. This means you aren t selling, and selling, and more selling. You are providing valuable content that prospects can sink their teeth into. You are up against the other millions on the net, and will need to stand out by solving problems.
What is unique to you that you can offer, and will set you apart from your competitors? Provide them reasons why you can help them better than if they go with someone else.
Your prospects will find you buy using keywords, your site should be rich in keywords related to your industry. If possible have a blog on your website, and post articles that will be helpful.
You prospects will be driven to a landing page where you can help them identify which customer they are, and click forward into your sales funnel. Once they relate to you, they can opt in to your lead form. They will exchange their name and email for valuable information from you.
You will send them emails through your auto responder system that are thoughtful and full of valuable information. You want to tend to your list frequently, and build a solid relationship.
By doing these things your prospect can get to know you, and learn more about what you have to offer. They will begin to trust you, and call you. If done properly, you will have people chase you down.
Personal branding is the glue that holds all of your marketing efforts together, and will help your prospects convert into fans. Once they are a fan, they turn into life time customers who will buy from you over and over.