One problem is the brain s memory, but not limited to the brain. In addition, most things that surround us affect our ability to remember by whom or on the memory card. Emotional processes, physiological, ecological and social damage function are memory in everyday life.
Memory performance could be the social pressure and prejudice influenced by others. Social isolation is dangerous to mental health and cognitive function.
What causes memory problems?
Poor response to medicines depressed some feel it affects their mental health.
Dehydration is caused by unhealthy eating habits, adequate fluids in the body, not requires high concentrations of vitamins and minerals to the head injury and problem with the thyroid.
Emotional problems: This can cause memory loss among the elderly. Feelings of sadness, loneliness and anxiety can be a person to confusion and forgetfulness.
Alzheimer s disease: The disease can also cause memory problems .Changes in brain nerve cells, which can kill more number of brain cells in severe damage to the mental health of the creation of causes. A person with this disease begins to forget things and progress in difficulty thinking clearly. It is difficult for them to do daily activities like cooking, shopping, and even find it difficult to comply with the notice. This medical condition worsened, memory loss reach at the height.
Multi infarct dementia: similar to the symptoms of Alzheimer s disease occur suddenly. In this situation, memory loss and confusion about the state of mind is due to changes in blood flow in the brain. This brain damages due to lack of blood flow causes many mental disorders.
There are some things you can do to improve your memory. The mere mention of the implementation of the exercises that have mental health and other activities can go a long way to reduce the memory problems.
1 By organizing, you can see your sleeping patterns the physiological memory will improve significantly.
2 There are many types of relaxation exercises that can help to gradually improve the performance of your memory.
3 The access activities and knowledge can help social anxiety, which generally helps you remember the names of reducing it.
4 Can prepare and organize their environment and personal items help you remember where things are.
Set an alarm to remind you of your medication.
Some other simple activities can be useful for the treatment of mild memory problems to moderate. These simple techniques used to help people with memory impairment caused by various conditions, including cardiovascular disease, head injury, memory problems because of his age.
To combat the depression, could deal with people every day for at least a few minutes. Law, initiation, cognitive behavioral therapy and meditation can be very useful in improving your mental health.
As support can help the family?
Memory loss can be affected so bad that require family members and friends to help with this problem. Family and friends can help you live a normal life with the support and care. Friends, you can remember several times daily living, education, time of day, where help live and what happens around him.
Family members use the following things to help you with your memory problem:
* Hanging Big calendars
* By listing activities
* Keep daily proof security measures at home.
* In written statements whenever possible
Interference much of the current knowledge of memory has come from studying memory disorders. The memory loss is known as amnesia. There are many types of amnesia, and the study of various forms, we could identify obvious defects in individual sub memory systems in the brain, so that the assumption of its role in brain functioning properly. Other neurological disorders such as Alzheimer s disease can also affect memory and cognition.
Remember to memorize or learn by heart, is a method of learning the terms of the information important to remember atomic, literally. This kind of learning requires repetition, assuming that a person can learn a necessary procedure or a lot of information for the study through repeated actions or, to the point that is almost automatic.
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Seomul Evans is an internet marketing and SEO services expert: