A lot of people oftentimes get to complain that learning how to play violin is hard. It requires a lot of patience and diligence. Well, honestly, it does really require you to have a lot of the qualities to be able to achieve it. This may sound a bit hard and there is no doubt and denying that it actually is, but the best and most rewarding part are, you get to play and produce the best music ever. That is why although playing violin is hard, a lot of people still wants to learn how to play it.
Violin can produce a certain kind of music that touches the soul of both the listener and the violinist. You have a lot of resources as to where and how you can learn to play a violin. You can have a formal music education in an academe, hire a private tutor, join a class which only cater to a small group, or learn through the usual; books and online.
To learn how to play a violin, you should know the basics like how to correctly hold the bow, the violin and the correct stance when playing a music piece. First you have to make sure to rosin the bow. You can have it rosin for you by your teacher or your violin shop or manufacturer. Tighten the bow as usual to a normal pressure then glide the rosin in an up and down motion on the hairs for several times. Do not exceed more than four times, too much rosin can make a scratchy sound and may disrupt the music note you are playing. You should correctly hold the violin. You can achieve this by holding the violin with your jaw and shoulder. Your jaw should rest in the chest rest. You should not hold it with your chin because it can be painful and be too awkward for you
Stand up correctly and have the end of the violin pointing out, you can have it pointing upward but have it only slightly. Grasp the violin’s neck with your hand relaxed. Using your left hand hold the base of the violin neck, the top your thumb must be visible. The base of your thumb and your wrists should not touch on any part of the violin. When you play the violin using the bow, place the bow approximately between the bridge and the fingerboard. If you want to produce a fair loud not, tilt the bow slightly towards you. As you get to master the technique, you would appreciate the different movements with each sound and note you make. You have to also remember that too much pressure can make a scratch sound. As you increase pressure the louder you produce the sound.
When you are a beginner you can practice by playing through open strings. This means you are not pressing any strings on the violin with your left hand. You just have to feel how to do it. Start with using full strokes, and then you can do half strokes. With each change of stroke you make, make it smooth as possible. You can also practice by shifting through one string to another. There are more techniques to learn to play a violin and you will learn this in time.