You've probably been the victim of rumors about something, these are no different with health and fitness. You hear about a tip for boosting your fitness goals at the gym and maybe don't hear the whole thing and go off and tell someone else, this is how myths are born. Maybe they even didn't hear it right. But they innocently tell something they know, and another myth is born, again.
We are likely to take a person of authority more seriously than any other person. Actually, the untruths can be dangerous if they cause someone to perform an exercise the wrong way. You'll want to continue reading this article for more facts on health and fitness myths.
One myth you need to know about is in regards to metabolism increases during activity that may last beyond the actual workout itself. The caveat to this statement is that you won't get the constant calorie burn you'll be expecting. The increase in metabolic rate after the workout is not as prevalent as many believe. The rate is not that big nor is the calorie burn.
The attitude about sweating is a bit on the odd side. Most people believe that sweat is indicative of hard work and a good workout. A good workout is built on sweat, the absence of sweat means the workout isn't achieving its intended purpose, or so some might think. As you work out it's important to note that sweat is nothing more than your body telling you it's overheating and in need of cooling down. Physical exertion and sweat are not interrelated.
You do not have to sweat to burn calories. It's easy enough to burn calories with simple walk.
There are mounds of research supporting the fact that a healthy fitness program of exercise and diet will significantly reduce, slow, or prevent serious disease conditions. The benefits of exercise on cardiovascular health are no secret. High blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol are only a few of the other conditions that can be positively impacted by exercise. Aging is another condition that can be aided with exercise and healthy lifestyle choices. It's more important than ever to sort out the truths of health and fitness, especially if you're totally new to working out. This is because you are in the beginning stages of forming your fitness habit. Forming bad habits now mean a difficult re-education later when you try to form the right habits. Forming good habits is crucial not only to your success but to actually sticking with your fitness routine.