In this multidimensional dimension of insecurity, we are witnessing a moment of fatal confluence of crises that generate such feedback, and many devastating impacts on vast quantities of human beings, particularly the most vulnerable regions and sectors of this inequitable globalization and compulsive .
Just to point out some pointers to bear in mind that:
a) By the end of 2008 the total human food deficit will be 967 million (about 18 ).
b) About 1,600 million people lack access to electricity.
c) The present levels of deforestation account for 20 of total global greenhouse gas emissions.
d) The health of millions of people will be affected by increased diarrheal and infectious diseases.
e) The cumulative emissions of CO2 from 1850 to 2000 is 800 billion tons.
f) Climate change will decrease agricultural production in tropical and subtropical regions, reduce the quantity and quality of water will increase the incidence of malaria, dengue and other diseases, damage ecological systems and biodiversity.
g) Studies in 2005 reported that about 2,600 million people live on less than $ 2 a day (or 46 of world population).
h) Food prices have risen to alarming levels, wheat by 120 , rice by 75 , there are currently 26 countries on food crisis.
In this confluence of crises, the food is monopolizing the attention of everyone, by the vastness and depth of it.
According to FAO the increases are due to significant variations in supply (which has been impacted by the fuel price, remember that the price of oil reached U.S. $ 100), changes in the demands of them, which impacts by demand for raw materials from Asia and the expanding market for biofuels.
FAO estimates that in our region there are 52 million malnourished people.
The FAO warns that the crisis of high food prices will be long and the director Jacques Diouf (FAO), said governments can not rely on market rules to offset these high prices, and instead will require a clear political will to increase production in agriculture. Here also has an important role of speculators, who have sought opportunities in the markets of food and raw materials.
According to ECLAC, if sustained price rises, there will be an increase in poverty, from 68.5 million to 84.2 million people.
Against this effect, and given that its origins are diverse, transnational, long lasting and essentially structural, since long been insisting that the mechanisms for its approach point to greater horizontal integration, multilateralism and cosmopolitanism.
As we can see the numbers by themselves are too obvious to not consider them and take the respective conclusions. We must note that these populations at risk, will increase their quality of life deterioration and the expectations of survival. However far exceed the human losses in the global war of terrorism, which has been the focus of global politics by the U.S. government and that has dragged many countries and
Triggered by exorbitant cash flows, as verified in the cases of Iraq and Afghanistan, besides having no success required results. Clearly we face a dichotomous reality that we encounter a threat that is taken up with the classic standards and under the paradigm of realism and risks imposing new rate dramatically in our normal life, but against which we assume not yet agreed to a global paradigm shift.
As has come to consensus on conceptual shift that has helped distinguish the safety of the defense, I think it also has been undergoing a silent process of differentiation between defense and military conflict and its key instrument is the armed forces. Defense ministries are no longer the ministries of war, to become links in the government apparatus that have to account for the administration of larger missions, diverse and complex in line with state interests in international and national contexts more demanding.
In this sense the defense, as a politician and as a set of resources, responses to two dimensions: firstly meet demand arising from security in the area of state sovereignty as a specific factor, which linked to foreign policy, territorial integrity and external threats. Moreover actively linked and coordinated with the development policies of the state, which for purposes of the armed forces are on their side missions.
There is the possibility of uncontrolled or collapsed risks may have impacts on the defense, both in formal development support and in terms of the use of force, by the way that could generate conflicts.
Explicitly left outside the dimensions of the defense any tasks related to internal security, while the principle that the use of military force should never be used against the same people that makes sense as an instrument of the state. Any consideration to promote their use goes against the democratic state or are part of the game of political fractures of the republic. Factors to which we must add the absence or weakness regulatory inefficiency, doctrine, logistics for the use of force in the criminal field. The tasks associated with the development must not be broad spectrum, ending useless to institutions dedicated to the defense. The approach must meet a few requirements: the first is to be undertaken on areas and / or territories where there is explicit and peremptory demands and where the state can not cover the resources that should be natural. It is that military institutions do not replace the agencies and specific public policies, as primarily responsible for meeting those demands. The second requirement is that the contributions are made in tasks where they can deploy efficient resources, both material and humans.
There are recognizable contributions in the areas of rapid deployment of human resources, logistical support, transportation, communications, administration. The contribution to development is not only a palliative mission, but requires successful results.
There will always appear as a continuing challenge to establish the limits to address these missions. Here the principle must prevail acting at the behest of political driver in specific allowance and permanent bodies of the state.
The defense should strengthen its gaze pointing to integration, cooperation, and development of efficient dual resources. For the latter understand the privilege of institutional areas with dual operation, so using the logic of the demands of multidimensional security and integral to meet threats and risks.
The tasks of the safety and use of instruments and agencies that are available to the state, must be geared towards the achievement of objectives related to developing nations.
Therefore, in this direction the network among development, security and defense increasingly acquires a positive connotation. Assuming that development is a state to achieve that permits the achievement of the objectives of quality of life of people in an environment of communion with the environment, security policies must aim at preventing (the occurrence and impact of threats and risks), meet (requirements and needs) and (in goods and public and private, local and global). It follows from what point of interaction that corresponds to a specific policy and bureaucracy as the defense and its instruments.
To the extent that security policies are more multidimensional and integrated, real opportunities will cut the vicious circle of threats and risks which hatch and leave a small space for action, which results in the use of force and human degradation and environmental.
Interpret and allow a particular conceptualization of security institutions and human beings can be done from the perspective of the strengths and opportunities rather than weaknesses and threats that this will generate quite a challenge priority.
Along with the decline of historical times that were characterized by the daily life of the constant onslaught of ideological beliefs, based on a balance of terror of human extinction by nuclear danger, has settled a progression of social, economic and are based cultural monopoly of thought a ruthless single enrichment through absolute and total absence of worries, which leaves us daily consequences so devastating that brings us to consider a new global challenge, this time to civilizing risk levels.
Once again humanity is threatened, this time for the production of other global interests that have made industrial society and economic growth of the icon of new dominant fetish.
The project of modernity, the one embodied in the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity, has been challenged by a maddening desire of endless progress, reported from an ultra rationalism. It is time to return to the path of a modern project that puts the center of the human, that generic singular, one and all at the same time, the one indivisible humanity, that humanity without frontiers for development, one that puts the central qualities and no defects.
In this context urges relocate the security discussion. Certain categories and do not account for these new scenarios, these new concerns, these new answers.