States quickly learn the game or they should do to ensure their survival and make the appropriate security measures. This approach also reinforces the Center for Strategic and International Studies Georgetown one of the most influential think tanks (or academic and research activities related to American power) of the previous decade and the present, noting that foreign policies in several respects returned to the family lines particularly the control of its process by the main international actor, the States.
While this review of paradigms and operating procedures on the military vision of national security is developing in several circles of power and skills, in other instances of both sides of the Atlantic are beginning to inaugurate a new concept of security. Under the minds of Hobbes and Rousseau began to redefine its conceptual genesis and size the problems raised about sovereignty.
Within this framework began reviewing security in light of changing conditions and trends in national and international level, without also denied that promoted and is experiencing a dynamic process of change and reform to the classic or traditional structures of the state.
In a study entitled the subject of security Walker dissects the notion of security surrounding the new profile of the States: They are not on the individual or the international system, the only actors that define policies, the concept of security can no longer be static, as in the perspective traditional normative, because the social dynamics of the state itself, sovereignty is the source and solution of the insecurities of modern life and safety is generally not correspond to a particular group of citizens.
Based on the characteristics noted, aims to rethink the security and develop alternatives to uncertainty under a national security concept seen as common security, political realism which is reviewed taking into account the evolution and historical change occurred from the post cold war, and that should be reflected in the new security concept.
The national security dimensions to a higher conceptual level from power. If under the classical realist school security stems from power the concept of security is, by itself, more versatile and more useful for understanding international relations or peace power.
Interestingly, academic authors as Henry Kissinger and Brezinzki from theoretical and pragmatic circles of American power, have as a backdrop to hobbsian in conceptualising spirit of national power and the sovereign state.
In this same way that James Der Derian analyzes security since in view of the universal values of the state of nature. Hence, direct and simple questioning about the intellectual reasons that prevent to conceptualize security.
It is necessary to break with the utopian schemes and provide practical strategies, real world, typical of the responsibility that comes to public safety.
In this area of public responsibilities of political power security concepts have been reviewed in the light of new management approaches.
In a world of tight budgets and fierce competition for private capital, the decline of the state as direct economic actor in the internal and external reason to reconsider the management or state activity in the direction of streamlining and optimizing resources. This fact weighs heavily in the review of the paradigms of power and policy making.
The grounds for exception to the rules and the rules cited by the security on behalf of reason of state under military approach and assumptions were disappearing rapidly growing national budgets. Thus, national security and its agencies, met the burden of budget austerity and rationalization that led to the ongoing restructuring and redefinition of governance in the modern state.
The load of military spending began to decline and the optimization of scarce public funds and resources encouraged the development of rational schemes of national security spending.
In that way the traditional strategic planning is strengthened by the contributions of realism school and generates a new profile for the administration of national security, governmental administrative bodies in charge of procuring these conditions, which must meet at least two conditions essential to quantitative and qualitative behavior of modern public and private management: efficiency and effectiveness.
The first, intended as the final evaluation of the results generated by an institution, a process marked by the cost / benefits associated with their function, operation and results. With respect to efficacy, its more general assessment parameter refers to the timeliness and consistency that every institution must meet the objectives of its legal framework, noting especially the use of means that are employed to achieve their goals.
However, these schemes do not replace comprehensive security public policy in economic, internal, external and defense. Its function is to create a fringe of basic criteria within which these policies should be placed, evaluation of projects and programs strategic review and / or redefinition of objectives, ongoing assessment of the elements of national power and potential, identification of critical vulnerabilities to the outside, ongoing assessment of national interest, distinguishing the vital interests of secondary and complementary.