As a real estate investor it is essential that you have a website or multiple websites in your arsenal because having a website will enable and allow you to prescreen your sellers and potential buyers as well as market and promote your real estate business 24/7/365.
We are living in the information age and people are using the internet more than ever to find solutions to their problems. Particularly your potential motivated seller prospects! They will be looking for solutions to their real estate problems via the internet by using favorite search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.
Accordingly, it makes perfect sense for you to have a fully optimized website with a strong message up and running to captivate them and also so that they can find you. Once they have arrived at your real estate investor website they should be greeted with information about your company and the many creative ways you have to offer them to solve their present real estate woes.
Your website must also contain a property information form where your motivated seller prospects can leave their contact information as well as additional information pertaining to the property they are interested in selling. The information asked on this form will allow you to instantly pre-qualify your seller before you even talk to them.
Once this form is filled out and submitted by the seller, the information contain on it should be automatically delivered to your email address. Having an automated system in place like this eliminates all the hassles and headaches associated with talking to non-motivated sellers.
You Must Also Attract Buyers !
But what about also having a website to attract motivated buyers? As a real estate investor don't make the crucial mistake of only concentrating your marketing efforts on attracting and finding sellers for your real estate business because that is only one part of the equation. The other part of the equation that you must also concentrate on and include in your marketing arsenal is simultaneously finding motivated buyers.
You see the two go hand in hand, once you are able to find a motivated seller and come to an agreement with that seller to creatively purchase their house, you need a motivated buyer to either cash you out and take the property off your hands or make some type of monthly payment to you that will enable you to create a positive monthly cash flow from that property. Don't you agree?
In fact, it would even make perfect sense for you to have your pre-screened list of buyers already in the can before you start acquiring inventory, that way you significantly increase your chances of selling that property or profiting from it immediately.
Personally, my website to attract motivated buyers is specifically designed to attract buyers who are looking for rent to own (lease purchase) or owner financing type situations and on the information form that I ask the interested prospect to fill out on my website I ask such relevant questions as:
What's the most you can afford to pay monthly for your new home?
What's the most you can afford to put down on your home?
Asking these kinds of questions allow me to pre-qualify my buyers as well as separate my prospects from the suspects. In conclusion, as you can clearly see having a website to attract both motivated sellers and motivated buyers is essential and a must for you as a real estate investor.