For any driver on the road the need for a good quality insurance coverage is an essential when getting behind the wheel in southern California. With millions of people out on the freeways each day there are bound to be accidents and that is when having the right insurance coverage in place really pays off. While many drivers do not give much thought to their auto San Diego insurance policy there are some people who are very serious about keeping themselves safe in the event of an accident. Covering not only their car and any other vehicles that might end up involved in a collision, the people that understand what an insurance policy can do also make sure that personal assets and property is protected by their San Diego auto insurance coverage.Because the world is a sue happy place some people that are responsible for causing an accident face the courts to defend themselves against the sometimes outrageous claims that are filed for personal injury and property damages. Ending up costing hundreds of thousands of dollars that is not covered by their San Diego auto insurance policy, the guilty person has to pay for the damages and judgments against them out of their own pocket. Being forced to sell their home and have their future earnings garnished by the courts, people that have insufficient auto insurance coverage learn a hard lesson about protecting themselves and their assets after an accident. However, with the help of their San Diego auto insurance agent some individuals are keeping themselves fully protected through the use of a San Diego auto insurance policy that provides coverage for their income, bank accounts and personal holdings that could be at risk in a person injury case that follows a car accident.