Smallville started its tenth and final season in September 2010. The series follows the adventures of Clark Kent, who lives in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, in the years before he became Superman. The first four seasons focused on Clark and years of high school friends. From the fifth season, the show has ventured into more adult settings, possibly focusing on his career at the Daily Planet, and the introduction of other DC Comics superheroes and villains.
Smallville will continue to march towards the finale of its 10-year run, this weekend a new episode called Masquerade which seems to Clark Kent and his fellow heroes a little closer to the inevitable fight with Darkseid. This time the team comes up against a minion of Darkseid, Desaad, who kidnaps Chloe Sullivan and trying to destabilize his evil side. Chloe just because we're here again, hoping that the team can release him at risk.
Episode synopsis: Lois and Clark watch news coverage on TV of Clark's mother speaking during a demonstration in favor of the vigilantes, but things take a turn for the worse when someone pulls the senator. Clark related to the safety of his mother, Chloe and Lois try to animate it with videos showing supporters of Blur. Meanwhile, Earth-2 counterpart Lionel has their dead and take control performance LuthorCorp Tess and Oliver.
Desaad's minions abduct Chloe and Oliver, mistaking them for FBI agents investigating their master's recent series of murders. Once he realizes who he has captive, Desaad attempts to sway Chloe to the darkside. Meanwhile, Lois gives Clark tips on how to disguise his heroic identity as the Blur.
Chloe and Oliver are wrong and the FBI Desaad investigating a recent series of murders, and the couple was kidnapped by followers Desaad. Desaad Chloe tries to infect the dark. At the same time, Lois tells Clark that needs to be careful about his identity, and aims to cover.
Lois Lane will face his own crisis of meaning, trying to redefine its place in the world now knows super secret Clark - Clark, but it will not discover what he knows and that is how he wants to continue. Laws will make every effort to maintain friendly journalist at arm's length with the hope of a life without romantic complications make him a better hero.
Full episode summary: Smallville tells the story of a teenage Clark Kent in the days before he was Superman. It is the city where he came where very strange things started happening with his arrival in a spaceship in the midst of a meteor storm of green rocks. Clark faces a number of individuals with expertise in the greenstones, keep his secret forces, facing his friendship with a young Lex Luthor, and balance the two girls in his life, Chloe and Lana. The show also shows us how Lex Luthor develops from a friend of Guy Clark and a few normal the villain who plague Superman in his later years.
The SMALLVILLE Season 10 Episode 14 entitled "Masquerade" will airs on Friday February 18 at 8pm on the CW.