Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer with the aim of the whole body or systemic effects by using chemicals or drugs that can inhibit or destroy the nucleus of cancer cells to divide and stop the cancer cell's life cycle. When hearing the word cancer, we always imagine that we will face death, though it is not something that is uncertain. Cancer can be cured even in total with the healing process and proper treatment. To handled a patients of cancer is required the integration and understanding of cancer processes, such as therapies to treat the trauma of patients after surgery. Hair Growth after Chemo is also one important thing that should be considered for the patient.
The prime parts of your body that would be badly affected by chemo are hair, but this should be no reason for desperation. Because when your treatment reaches its end and once your chemotherapy has successfully wiped out cancer agents in your body, your hair can regrowth after a period of time. By consulting with your doctor, you can know what exactly to expect from your chemo treatment.
Hair loss is a fact of chemotherapy treatment, and almost all cancer patients experiencing hair loss. Some patients experience hair loss from chemotherapy after the first cycle of treatment but most usually will have it after the second cycle of chemotherapy.
However, doctors still do not know how to prevent hair loss from chemotherapy. Many studies are being conducted and there will be some time before a solution is found.
Not all chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss. These complaints usually develop after 20 days of the first chemotherapy. Usually most hair loss on the head scalp but can also in your body areas, pubic hair and even eyebrows and face.
What causes hair loss from chemotherapy? The answer is one that all patients' chemotherapy was to know and understand. Chemotherapy is used to destroy cancer cells divide rapidly and the network. However, it is not the only thing chemotherapy damage. This treatment also tends to damage healthy cells and normal cells in the body or dividing cells. Cell, which is the hair follicle, is responsible for hair growth and they are the ones who split up. They get damaged during chemotherapy, and this causes hair loss.
Hair loss from chemotherapy is not only limited to the hair on the head. Even her eyelashes, eyebrows and pubic hair may fall out.
The fact of the matter is that the number of drugs and medications that actually determines whether you will suffer from hair loss or thinning hair. If you are unfortunate enough to have hair loss, you should know that the loss may begin suddenly or gradually. Usually the hair started falling out in clumps.
The good news is that hair loss from chemotherapy is not permanent. The hair will start growing again after eight weeks to twelve weeks after completing chemotherapy. However, you must be prepared to have a different color and texture of the new hair comes out. To resolve this complaint to be considered the important things of hair growth treatment after chemo:
1. Take care with your choice of hair products; try to find hair products with mild and gentle formulas that have been proven.
2. Practice proper hair care by brush and comb your hair gently.
3. Applying one of two approved treatment by US Food and Drug Administration such as minoxidil.
4. Wearing a wig or headdress such as hat, cloak, cowl and the other.
5. Applying scalp hypothermia method.
Author Resource:
Ramli Hidayat is owner of,providing essential information about hair growth after chemo , hair treatment tips and halo hair care products .