Skin care does not begin with treatment of skin, acne, pimples etc., as the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure”, skin care is all about prevention, precaution and proactive damage control. From stores to supermarkets to malls, you would find an innumberable number of skin treatment lotions of multi varieties promising you the perfect skin tone you have always been looking for. Not surprising though, that only a small percentage of these creams come anywhere close to our expectation, for the very reason that every one of us have different skin tone and textures that require specific treatment.
Water is one of the best ingredients for a good skin. Consumption of good, purified water can make your otherwise dry skin hydrated and keep it in good condition.
If you suffer from any form of insomnia, chronic lack of sleep, or plain sleepless nights, you know why your skin is not reacting to all the treatment you pamper it with. Sleep is crucial to ensure a good growth and skin tone. A minimum of 6 8 hours sleep at night is recommended by physicians.
You must remember that all your cosmetics have a shelf life. Ensure you replace your sponges every three months or if they remain unused, then within six months from the date of manufacture. The average life of any cosmetic usually ranges anywhere between 6 – 12 months.
If you have an oil skin, the simple yet effective way of curing it is by simply cutting a lemon into half. Rub the content of the lemon on your face and leave it for a while. Rinse with cold water thereafter.
Vegetables are a great source for skin toning. You could apply slices of potatoes and apply it on your closed eyes. It not only cools the eyes, it also reduces black circles and enlivens the otherwise dry skin.
Fruits are another good source for the skin. Strawberries for example are renowned skin smoothners. They also are effective acne fighters. They produce a salicylic acid which is usually found in many acne skin care products. For a quick solution, you may want to crush half a cup of strawberries along with half a up of plain yogurt. This mixture needs to be applied to the face; the result would speak for itself. Bananas also contain smoothing ingredients. A ripe banana mashed up and applied over the skin is another short and effective face skin cure.
While we talk about the foods, vegetables and recipes and other natural intakes to invigorate skin care, we should also make mention of the do not’s in respect of skin care. Condiments viz., cakes, sugar, fat free icreams are generically categorized as high glycemic ones. This effectively means that a lot of carbohydrates are digested at the time of consumption. Any high glycemic food intake can trigger off acne.
Consumption of foods with less glycemic content is more healthy for the skin. Food grains, fruits and vegetables can be examples of low glycemic foods.
A proper balanced and controlled diet care is a pre requisite to pre empt any face skin related issues.