For people that can not get an ordinary credit card because of bad credit there are credit cards out there that are prepaid. They are useful for making car rental reservations, buying airplane tickets, and the everyday purchases like gasoline. They could be utilized for groceries and bill paying too.
They are convenient considering that an individual does not have to carry cash and take the peril of larceny when they travel. The really outstanding thing about these cards is that a person can't spend more than they put on the card. That means no worries about going into debt that'll be tough to recoup from.
When selecting a company to purchase one of these cards from, there are some things to look for.
Try to discover a card that does not have any transaction fees. They all have maintenance fees so look for one that is less than five bucks. Search for no annual fees, how long approval lasts, and whether or not they provide an incentive program for referrals. Always read the terms just before applying for any of these cards.
One of the best companies that offer these cards is Account Now. There are no annual fees, no charges to pay bills over the internet or overdraft fees. They do not do credit checks, have no minimum quantity, and posses free direct deposit. There are no monthly fees and has a $10,000.00 limit.
The Visa Prepaid RushCard has free check deposit, internet bill paying, help building credit, texts account alerts and has a free money managing program that is interactive. It is accepted anyplace that accepts visa.
Author Resource:
When it comes to prepaid credit cards , of the best cards that is offered as credit cards that have been prepaid is Visa Prepaid Rush Card . If looking for additional info on the best prepaid credit cards contact for a more exhaustive list.