Auto insurance is an integral part of your vehicle and their importance cannot be neglected in any way. It is very important to carry your auto insurance whenever you drive your vehicle. Many states have made it mandatory to buy commercial auto insurance as there are lots of benefits and advantages. When you involve your vehicle in business activities, the need for such types of insurances arises. They have a fixed coverage policy in most of the states. Some of the common features that are covered under this policy are:Accidental policy will cover the expenses that were incurred due to the accidents. On most of the cases, it will give a reimbursement for the medical and other therapy treatments resulted due to the accident. It will also cover the cost of funeral, loss of earnings due to temporary or permanent disability of the person.The intermediary liability coverage will cover up the expenses incurred for the loss of property of the victim. The driver is held responsible and the required amount of money will be disbursed from the insurance coverage of the driver.The uninsured or the underinsured coverage will cover the expenses which were incurred in case if the driver of your vehicle is killed because of the fault of other uninsured driver. This coverage will be very useful in most of the scenarios especially when it is a hit and run case. The direct reimbursement policy will cover the cost of repairs incurred due to accidents when the driver of your vehicle is not found guilty.