You have put together a thorough and effective workout and cleaned up your diet, but if you are not getting a minimum of seven to eight hours a sleep per night, you could be seriously hampering your progress. Regardless of how intense your workout is, making sure you get adequate sleep allows you to perform at peak level and gain maximum recovery for your muscles.
Throughout the night, your sleep is broken down into several different cycles which last about 90 minutes. During the third and fourth phase of sleep, known as delta sleep, a growth hormone is released which aids in muscle repair and growth. This stage of sleep is also responsible for helping your muscles to feel rested and not as sore the next day.
Here are a few tips to ensure you get excellent quality sleep at night:
1. Avoid working out at least three hours before bedtime.
2. Stick to a schedule. Make sure you wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time each day. Oversleeping on weekends to "make up" for lost sleep throughout the week does not help your body the same way that a consistent sleep schedule does.
3. Try light stretching before bed. Although you will be providing oxygen to the muscles, you will be easing your mind and relaxing your body.
4. Relax your body in a warm bath but not too hot though. A cool body temperature will allow you to fall asleep easier.
5. Incorporate a pre-sleep ritual, like washing your face, brushing your teeth, and reading a chapter or two of a novel to help you get to sleep easier.
6. A glass of warm milk, 10 - 15 almonds, or half a turkey sandwich about three hours before sleeping can also help sleep.
7. If you have a busy mind then write down your worries in a journal or create a to-do list for the following day to give yourself a bit of peace of mind.
Recent studies have found that people who sleep from five to six hours per night are 35 per cent more likely to gain eleven pounds over a six year period than those who sleep seven to eight hours. Add in the fact that not enough sleep can leave you feeling groggy, irritable, with less energy to continue your workouts and you have a recipe for weight gain.
Be sure to schedule your evenings and mornings around your sleep, not the other way around. Sleep is very important on many levels, and is directly related to your health and wellness.
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Terry likes to write on various topics and has been doing so for several years. His latest website has information on purchasing an electric heating pad or large heating pads .