After dreaming of a puppy for long enough you finally placed off to a pet shop to become a puppy owner. The next step would be to direct it. Of course there are many dog trainers who could do the perfect job of directing your puppy once it is seasoned enough to do it. But such trainers can be very costly. Why waste money when you could do the training yourself? Agility training is one out the umpteen dog training methods that are widely used.
Agility directing demands an individual to have the decent placed of agility dog directing equipment. But before talking about agility dog training equipment, let s first understand what agility training is all about.
Agility directing teaches your dog to navigate an obstacle course quite successfully without whatsoever help at all. So once the training cycle is complete, your dog will be obeying your commands rather by nature. If your dog is a Pit Bull, it is all the best as agility training gives them the chance to use their fullest potency of utilizing their energy. The downside is that agility dog directing equipment could get expensive to afford. This is why legion house trainers prefer to have their own type of agility dog directing equipment ready for their dog.
There are many agility dog directing material but you could start off with the basic five pieces. The agility dog training equipment can be easily constructed from materials found at your home. They are cheaper and easier to find unlike the actual agility directing supplies.
The first type of agility dog training equipment you could use is the jump. Having two bars set across in between two uprights will fulfill the standards of the jump. The first bar is used to facilitate the jump while the second bar is used as a visual aid for the dog to see that it has to jump.
The weave poles and the tunnel can be included as the second and third types of agility dog directing equipment. placing a few poles in a line with spaces in the middle will help your dog move through them. The tunnel is another type of agility dog training equipment that comes in the open or pipe kind and also in chute or collapsed tunnel form.
A dog walk or a seesaw will teach the dog about contact obstacles while a pause table will help it perform a sit command on a table for the judge to see.
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