To work at home as a Customer Service Representative, CCR, CRM, Remote Agent, Customer Call Agent or Customer Care Professional there are basic at home office tools you need to have. For the most part these home based customer service representative jobs are internet jobs which can be done from a home office, online with a computer. These home jobs are great for work at home moms, stay at home dads, students, caregivers, people with disabilities or just about anyone. Most of these jobs can be either full time or part time work at home. The salaries for these customer care jobs range anywhere from $8.00 to $18.00 per hour depending on experience.
The following lists are the basic skills and tools required to generate work at home income for these position. All companies are different but this will give you a general idea of what you will need.
A general list of skills needed to preform these work at home customer service agent jobs:
Motivation and the desire for a challenging and rewarding career opportunity
Professional, pleasant phone presence
Ability to quickly identify, empathize, establish trust, and solve a caller’s problem
Self starter and disciplined; not easily distracted while working at home
Works well independently
Strong work ethic
Uses the internet daily for downloads, email, sending file attachments, and instant messaging/text messaging
Ability to trouble shoot and fix minor problems with computer system
Strong computer navigation skills, such as: Ability to open and quickly toggle between at least five windows at a time
Frequently use keyboard commands rather than relying on menus
Environment that is needed is a quiet home office where you can work without interruptions. Most companies have a zero tolerance policy for noise. A good computer is also needed with at least the following requirements
PC running Windows XP or Vista
At the very least A Minimum 2 GB free hard drive disk space
At the very least Minimum 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended for Vista)
1 GHz to 1.5 GHz Processor or higher (Multi Core Recommended) Higher is definetely better.
Monitor with minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 (1280x1024 recommended) I prefer dual monitors, but that s just me.
Sound card and speakers to listen to audio files
Current anti virus software with updated definitions,Current anti spyware software
Firewall installed & operating or Windows firewall turned on
Reliabe internet access DSL or cable broadband
No satellite or wireless Internet service. Most companies will allow wireless connection within the confines of your home as long as your DSL or Cable connection is hard wired.
The telephone you use is very important as well. Most companies require regular analog landline that meets one of these requirements:
Traditional landline phone service (regular phone)
Cable—phone service from a Cable TV service provider.
Fiber Optic—phone line provided by a local phone service.
A telephone line that you can dedicate for your use while working. A telephone you can use while also accessing the Internet.
The telephone must be a corded traditional telephone. No cordless, cellular/wireless or VoIP phones.
Most companies require a headset for your telephone in order to begin working. These telephone headsets plug directly into your telephone base, range in price from $20 $100 and can be purchased at major retailers and office supply stores. You will be wearing the telephone headset for long periods of time, make sure it is comfortable, and meet these minimum requirements:
Hands free
Corded. All cordless headsets are unacceptable
Features a noise canceling microphone
Now that you know the basics of what it takes to have these work at home online jobs in the customer service field, it s time to find a home based customer service job. The best place to start looking for one, is right here Work at Home Job Listings.
Author Resource:
I have been a work at home mom for 20 years, I was a board member of the local chamber and have spent 100's of hours fundraising, coaching soccer and DI. I am an entrepreneur. The work at home jobs I have had are blogging, retail, direct sales and day trading.