Headaches are a very common type of condition where pain occurs in areas of the head such as above the eyes or the ears and behind the head or upper neck. In addition, headaches are usually not taken as a disease, but rather a an indication of another sickness. Causes for headaches are many and these causes could vary from one person to the other. Moreover, as in certain cases the treatment is difficult, it is crucial to correctly diagnose the reason for the headache.
Categorizing the headache is the first step that should be taken before attempting to treat the condition. There are several methods to classify headaches although the most well known method was introduced by the International Headache Society. There are three main types of headaches according to this categorization and each specific type tends to have a separate cause.
Primary headaches are one of the chief kinds of headaches and can be further classified as tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. In tension headaches, the major cause of headache is physical or mental stress. It is believed that almost 90% of all adults would experience tension headaches in their lives. Compared to men women appear to be more prone to experience tension headaches. Migraine headaches are also a frequent kind of headache with nearly 12% of the US population (around 28 million people) experiences this form of headache. Cluster headaches which affects only 0.1% of the people are somewhat uncommon though both these types tend to be experienced fairly frequently by most people. The exact cause of headache in both migraine related and cluster headaches has not yet been identified. None of those mentioned above however are fatal.
Although the cause of headache in primary headaches might not be life threatening, secondary headaches may signal a far more dangerous situation. Secondary headaches normally occur due to underlying diseases such as brain tumors, meningitis, encephalitis and stroke. Therefore, itÃs vital that you seek medical attention when your headaches are accompanied with symptoms like seizures, continuing nausea and vomiting, and vision, speech and behavior changes. There is also another type of headaches called Cranial neuralgia where the cause of headache is inflamed nerves in the head and the neck. In addition to this, facial pains and other different headaches are also incorporated into this category.
It should be remembered that although many headaches may be temporary relieved by painkilling drugs such as paracetamol and asprin, it is vital to seek medical attention if the headache persists heavily. Additionally, the painkilling drugs including paracetamol should be used in the recommended quantities as an overdose might have adverse consequences like heavy liver damage which would sometimes prove to be life threatening.
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