Any Leather Products like handbags are fabulous additions to any wardrobe. They are versatile, durable, and come in a variety of colors. When a person selects a leather handbag, it may be because the leather has a unique texture, is soft, or has a beautiful textured look. As an Wholesale Leather Supplier we know that these differences usually mean that the handbag has been made from a different type of leather and will require different types of care to keep looking as beautiful as it does when we first get it.
We as an Expert Wholesale Leather Supplier and procurer of Wholesale leather would like to advice that when purchasing a bag as a gift or investing in a handbag for oneself, it is important to keep the tag with the bag. Most people who give a bag as a gift have a tendency to remove all the tags from the bag. This is not wise with a leather handbag because the care instructions for leather is so different and will be on the tag with the bag.
Investing in these handbags can be expensive so it is worth a little extra expense to buy an affordable cloth lined basket to store your leather bags in. A decade with Leather, has taught us as a Wholesale leather supplier that leather can become dirty from dust and particles in the air. Leather has pores just like any other skin so it can be damaged and marred from the elements. The basket that you purchase should have a cloth covered lid and when your handbag is not in use, it should be stored in a sitting position in the basket.
This Wholesale Leather Supplier would like to mention another thing that you will want to avoid is hanging your handbag on a door knob, hook, or hanger. When you hang your leather bag, it stretches. Once leather has been stretched out it is very difficult to get back into shape. Storing your bags is a sitting position will keep it from stretching and protect it from being cracked, scratched, or stretched.
Use tissues to maintain the shape of your bag. When you are not using your bag or are storing your bags in the basket, stuff them with tissue paper. Do not over-stuff the bags, you want to keep their original shape. By putting tissue in the bag, you will not have fading and cracks in the folds of the leather. Putting tissue paper in you working bag on top of your belongings when you are at home is also a good idea. This keeps your bag in perfect condition at all times.
Do not use newspaper or tissue that contains dye as stuffing for your bags. We have seen in our Wholesale Leather Supplier business that Newsprint and dye will bleed into your leather and will cause your bag to stain. When the dye or newsprint stains your bag, you will not be able to remove the stain.
The most important thing that this Wholesale Leather Supplier would like to mention is that waterproofing your bag as soon as you get it will help your bag to stay in perfect condition. The only leather that does not need to be waterproofed is deer hide. When leather gets damp it can stain, shrink, or become damaged. Leather absorbs moisture if it does not have waterproofing on it.
Most types of leather handbags need to be moisturized and conditioned during the winter and hot summer months. You can find leather conditioner in a furniture store or other shop that carries leather goods. Treating your leather on a weekly basis during the rainy winter months and hot summer months will keep your leather healthy.
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Negma Leather being the Best wholesale leather supplier in US, Sandiego CA. You can get the Best Wholesalers leather from us in US.