There are more options than you think for learning to play violin. Generally budget is the first and primary thing looked at. Today we'll be discussing three other points you should take note of when deciding which route to go.
Considering all of these products and courses you can use to teach yourself violin, that is quickly becoming a very popular method of learning. Another benefit of this is the low cost since you only have to pay once. You may also reuse the lessons any time you like to brush up on your skills.
This option also allows you to learn at your own pace. Which as wonderful as it sounds could also be a bad thing, depending on you. Many people will procrastinate when left to their own devices.
This is one of the primary perks of face to face lessons, either in group or an one-on-one environment. When you choose that route, you are put around people who honestly love playing the violin which will motivate you.
Another thing you need to take note of is how observant you are. Seemingly minor details aren't always minor in music. They can make or break your progress if not paid attention to. If you aren't sure, you could tape your practice and get someone else to check later. Otherwise you may spend a lot of time getting horrible results.
The last point is how patient you are. Lack of patience and the concept of how much time it takes to see progress often leads to students of the violin giving up. You won't always play your best, but there is a gradual progress that can be seen. Interaction with some sort of teacher or mentor can help set your expectations and ensure that you make steady progress without too much frustration.
None of these points are absolute in that if you have or lack the point you should either try alone or take lessons. Personal preferences are important, and you can deal with any weakness.
You can create a peer group or talk to your family to keep you motivated and on track. This is often underemphasized but it can make a huge difference overall. And don't hold back when talking to them. If you tell them you're going to be the best in the world, imagine how motivated you will be to not feel the embarrassment of playing at the same poor level each week.
There is usually a middle ground available if you look for it. For example, you could get a learn violin course and with the extra money, hire someone to pester you until you practice or lock you in a room with a violin a few times per week.
Be unique in your approach to learning violin and vary it. Repetition may be the mother of skill, but it can also be the mother of boredom if you don't have fun with your routine. Always look for better ways to overcome resistance and negativity. Don't make excuses; progress is the name of the game. Belief in your own abilities will carry you to the dream.