Having struggled with hair loss for a number of years I started experimenting with different alternative methods with varying degrees of success, then I accidently came across an amazing method, before I mention this methond, I have outlined a number of natural hair growth methods that I have used in the last few years and months before we discuss the method
I started losing hair when I was 23 years, there is a general misconception that hair loss only affects older people, this is not true. While age may be a contributory factor, there also genetic factors, i.e. if someone in the family suffers from balding, in my case my Dad also suffered from hair loss.
This condition may also occur for people who braid their hair or have dreadlock as this practise may weaken the roots of the hair.
These are a few home remedies that I tried personally with my opinion of their relative success They are:
1. Oil Treatments, e.g. Lavendar.
I used hot oils as I have heard from other suffers to have found it effective, I have very little success with this but this does not mean it will not work for you, this oils can be purchased in any good stores but you will need to use it for a reasonable amount of time, circa 2 - 3 months to see any visible change.
2. Head and Scalp Massage.
This method I found to be marginally effective, I saw some hair growth but not the fullness I was looking for, I believe this was 'effective' due massaging stimulating the follicles to make the hair grow and make it grow stronger. It is also very good for blood circulation to the scalp, which is always a good thing.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera sometimes referred to as the "wonder plant" it is very popular with people in tropical countries and used in many guises, e.g. anti-ageing and also as a remedy for hair loss.