Most experts who practice the Invisible Laws of the Universe state that the Universe is bound by the Laws of the Universe and it is through adherence to these rules that you stand to achieve anything you want to achieve in your existence here on Earth. Of these numerous laws, the Natural Laws of the Universe and the Spiritual Laws of the Universe are the most popular. Both of these laws are intertwined with each other, and knowing how to apply them in your daily activities can change your life forever.
The Natural Laws of the Universe has several branches, and each of these laws holds the key to your success. Presented below are the Natural laws and how you can apply them in your daily life:
1. Perpetual Transmutation Law – This law relates that everything in the universe is made up of energy, which is constantly moves and changes. Having said this, it is within your capacity to change a thought, which is a form of energy, into physical form.
2. Attraction Law – This law states that like attracts like. Your feelings or thoughts attract situations that reflect what you're thinking. If you constantly feel that you are unhappy, you're actually attracting vibrations of unhappiness too.
3. Relativity Law – This law states that all things in the Universe are related. Do not compare yourself to someone better because you're putting yourself down. Just consider your situation as IS so that you'll be able to focus on achieving more.
4. Rhythm Law – Simply put, there will always be symmetry between good and bad times in your life. If you experience a bad time in your life, don't let it deter from your ultimate goal and instead focus on happy thoughts and positive thinking.
5. Polarity Law – Everything has an opposite and if something bad happens to your life, always see the good side that it brings to your current situation. Remember, the concept of good or bad usually comes from the mind.
6. Cause and Effect Law – for every cause, there's an effect. What you send out to the Universe will go right back to you. So if you constantly say that you're not good at anything, the effect will exactly be that.
7. Gender Law – Everything is masculine and feminine. For your goal to become a reality you have to give it enough time for the gestation period. Patience is an utmost virtue that you need to have.
In much the same way as the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Spiritual Laws of the Universe are also divided into several laws, and these are: Pure Potentiality, Karma, Give and Receive, Intent and Desire, Least Effort, Detachment, and Dharma. These laws are alternatively called the Laws of Success because it is through mastering and adhering to these laws that you can actually reach the pinnacle of your life.
As pointed out by practitioners of the Invisible laws of the Universe, taking control of your emotions and feelings so that they reflect only positive thinking is the key. Although these laws have different names, it is only through mastering these laws that you'll achieve fulfillment.