If there is an essential oil that is essential to the rule of origin in the United States, oil of wintergreen. It was the first Indian green winter could be for medical purposes. Its botanical name is Gaultheria procumbens, and also by other names, such as tea and call teaberry mountain. Pale yellow to yellow essential oil has a distinct flavor peppermint pink, can come in almost every medical ointment on the market is now available. It is said that the main components salicytate, methyl, was the precursor of modern aspirin. Athletes and those who are rheumatoid arthritis and very fond of wintergreen oil to a very good reason. It is very potent and effective analgesic considered. When used as an ingredient in massage oil, you can help almost immediately by most types of pain. be the position of methyl salicytate in the pores of the skin and prevents the creation of the hormone prostaglandin, which is responsible for the sensation of pain. No wonder that the oil of choice for tired muscles and joints and sprains. The taste of peppermint relaxes the nerves. The mind itself has to be removed from unwanted thoughts and therefore very effective for treating stress. Wintergreen oil also help a person breathe easier, said. You can be the body responsible for respiration, contracts in the same way in all the nerves and muscles of the body. People with asthma often have the essential oil a boost to breathe without difficulty. In aromatherapy, essential oil of wintergreen is almost a feeling among its followers. It is almost sweet flavor and fresh mint makes a complete relaxation of body and mind. The advantages of the body's ability to relieve virtually all types of pain. Native Americans themselves for dental pain, how effective is the treatment of pain sample used wintergreen. In spirit, that helps a person to have peace of mind. But be careful, wintergreen essential oil can be toxic. Not be removed for any time. All essential oils are for external use only, not intended for oral use. The manufacturers of drugs containing methyl salicytate have made much diluted initially present as an ingredient in toothpaste or mouthwash.
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